The list below contains curated papers and arXiv articles that are related to Trojan attacks, backdoor attacks, and data poisoning on neural networks and machine learning systems. They are ordered approximately from most to least recent and articles denoted with a "*" mention the TrojAI program directly. Some of the particularly relevant papers include a summary that can be accessed by clicking the "Summary" drop down icon underneath the paper link. These articles were identified using variety of methods including:
- A flair embedding created from the arXiv CS subset; details will be provided later.
- A trained ASReview random forest model
- A curated manual literature review
Transferable Environment Poisoning: Training-time Attack on Reinforcement Learning
Investigation of a differential cryptanalysis inspired approach for Trojan AI detection
Explanation-Guided Backdoor Poisoning Attacks Against Malware Classifiers
Robust Backdoor Attacks against Deep Neural Networks in Real Physical World
The Design and Development of a Game to Study Backdoor Poisoning Attacks: The Backdoor Game
Explainability-based Backdoor Attacks Against Graph Neural Networks
DeepSweep: An Evaluation Framework for Mitigating DNN Backdoor Attacks using Data Augmentation
Rethinking the Backdoor Attacks' Triggers: A Frequency Perspective
SPECTRE: Defending Against Backdoor Attacks Using Robust Covariance Estimation
Black-box Detection of Backdoor Attacks with Limited Information and Data
TOP: Backdoor Detection in Neural Networks via Transferability of Perturbation
T-Miner : A Generative Approach to Defend Against Trojan Attacks on DNN-based Text Classification
What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Robust(er): Adversarial Training against Poisons and Backdoors
Red Alarm for Pre-trained Models: Universal Vulnerabilities by Neuron-Level Backdoor Attacks
An Approach for Poisoning Attacks Against RNN-Based Cyber Anomaly Detection
Backdoor Scanning for Deep Neural Networks through K-Arm Optimization
TAD: Trigger Approximation based Black-box Trojan Detection for AI*
Data Poisoning Attack on Deep Neural Network and Some Defense Methods
Baseline Pruning-Based Approach to Trojan Detection in Neural Networks*
Covert Model Poisoning Against Federated Learning: Algorithm Design and Optimization
TROJANZOO: Everything you ever wanted to know about neural backdoors (but were afraid to ask)
A Master Key Backdoor for Universal Impersonation Attack against DNN-based Face Verification
Detecting Universal Trigger's Adversarial Attack with Honeypot
ONION: A Simple and Effective Defense Against Textual Backdoor Attacks
Neural Attention Distillation: Erasing Backdoor Triggers from Deep Neural Networks
Data Poisoning Attacks to Deep Learning Based Recommender Systems
One-to-N & N-to-One: Two Advanced Backdoor Attacks against Deep Learning Models
DeepPoison: Feature Transfer Based Stealthy Poisoning Attack
Composite Backdoor Attack for Deep Neural Network by Mixing Existing Benign Features
Just How Toxic is Data Poisoning? A Unified Benchmark for Backdoor and Data Poisoning Attacks
Poisoning Attacks on Cyber Attack Detectors for Industrial Control Systems
Deep Feature Space Trojan Attack of Neural Networks by Controlled Detoxification*
Machine Learning with Electronic Health Records is vulnerable to Backdoor Trigger Attacks
Data Security for Machine Learning: Data Poisoning, Backdoor Attacks, and Defenses
Detection of Backdoors in Trained Classifiers Without Access to the Training Set
TROJANZOO: Everything you ever wanted to know about neural backdoors(but were afraid to ask)
DeepSweep: An Evaluation Framework for Mitigating DNN Backdoor Attacks using Data Augmentation
Poison Attacks against Text Datasets with Conditional Adversarially Regularized Autoencoder
Strong Data Augmentation Sanitizes Poisoning and Backdoor Attacks Without an Accuracy Tradeoff
BaFFLe: Backdoor detection via Feedback-based Federated Learning
Detecting Backdoors in Neural Networks Using Novel Feature-Based Anomaly Detection
FaceHack: Triggering backdoored facial recognition systems using facial characteristics
Poisoned classifiers are not only backdoored, they are fundamentally broken
BAAAN: Backdoor Attacks Against Autoencoder and GAN-Based Machine Learning Models
Don’t Trigger Me! A Triggerless Backdoor Attack Against Deep Neural Networks
CLEANN: Accelerated Trojan Shield for Embedded Neural Networks
Witches’ Brew: Industrial Scale Data Poisoning via Gradient Matching
Intrinsic Certified Robustness of Bagging against Data Poisoning Attacks
Can Adversarial Weight Perturbations Inject Neural Backdoors?
Practical Detection of Trojan Neural Networks: Data-Limited and Data-Free Cases
Noise-response Analysis for Rapid Detection of Backdoors in Deep Neural Networks
Cassandra: Detecting Trojaned Networks from Adversarial Perturbations
Backdoor Attacks and Countermeasures on Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Review
Attack of the Tails: Yes, You Really Can Backdoor Federated Learning
Backdoor Attacks on Facial Recognition in the Physical World
You Autocomplete Me: Poisoning Vulnerabilities in Neural Code Completion
Reflection Backdoor: A Natural Backdoor Attack on Deep Neural Networks
Trembling triggers: exploring the sensitivity of backdoors in DNN-based face recognition
Just How Toxic is Data Poisoning? A Unified Benchmark for Backdoor and Data Poisoning Attacks
ConFoc: Content-Focus Protection Against Trojan Attacks on Neural Networks
Model-Targeted Poisoning Attacks: Provable Convergence and Certified Bounds
Deep Partition Aggregation: Provable Defense against General Poisoning Attacks
The TrojAI Software Framework: An OpenSource tool for Embedding Trojans into Deep Learning Models*
BadNL: Backdoor Attacks Against NLP Models
- Introduces first example of backdoor attacks against NLP models using Char-level, Word-level, and Sentence-level triggers (these different triggers operate on the level of their descriptor)
- Word-level trigger picks a word from the target model’s dictionary and uses it as a trigger
- Char-level trigger uses insertion, deletion or replacement to modify a single character in a chosen word’s location (with respect to the sentence, for instance, at the start of each sentence) as the trigger.
- Sentence-level trigger changes the grammar of the sentence and use this as the trigger
- Authors impose an additional constraint that requires inserted triggers to not change the sentiment of text input
- Proposed backdoor attack achieves 100% backdoor accuracy with only a drop of 0.18%, 1.26%, and 0.19% in the models utility, for the IMDB, Amazon, and Stanford Sentiment Treebank datasets
- Introduces first example of backdoor attacks against NLP models using Char-level, Word-level, and Sentence-level triggers (these different triggers operate on the level of their descriptor)
Vulnerabilities of Connectionist AI Applications: Evaluation and Defence
Defending Support Vector Machines against Poisoning Attacks: the Hardness and Algorithm
A new measure for overfitting and its implications for backdooring of deep learning
An Embarrassingly Simple Approach for Trojan Attack in Deep Neural Networks
MetaPoison: Practical General-purpose Clean-label Data Poisoning
Backdooring and Poisoning Neural Networks with Image-Scaling Attacks
Bullseye Polytope: A Scalable Clean-Label Poisoning Attack with Improved Transferability
On the Effectiveness of Mitigating Data Poisoning Attacks with Gradient Shaping
STRIP: A Defence Against Trojan Attacks on Deep Neural Networks
- Authors introduce a run-time based trojan detection system called STRIP or STRong Intentional Pertubation which focuses on models in computer vision
- STRIP works by intentionally perturbing incoming inputs (ie. by image blending) and then measuring entropy to determine whether the model is trojaned or not. Low entropy violates the input-dependance assumption for a clean model and thus indicates corruption
- Authors validate STRIPs efficacy on MNIST,CIFAR10, and GTSRB acheiveing false acceptance rates of below 1%
TrojDRL: Trojan Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents
Demon in the Variant: Statistical Analysis of DNNs for Robust Backdoor Contamination Detection
Regula Sub-rosa: Latent Backdoor Attacks on Deep Neural Networks
Februus: Input Purification Defense Against Trojan Attacks on Deep Neural Network Systems
A backdoor attack against LSTM-based text classification systems
Detection of Backdoors in Trained Classifiers Without Access to the Training Set
ABS: Scanning neural networks for back-doors by artificial brain stimulation
NeuronInspect: Detecting Backdoors in Neural Networks via Output Explanations
Universal Litmus Patterns: Revealing Backdoor Attacks in CNNs
Programmable Neural Network Trojan for Pre-Trained Feature Extractor
Demon in the Variant: Statistical Analysis of DNNs for Robust Backdoor Contamination Detection
TamperNN: Efficient Tampering Detection of Deployed Neural Nets
TABOR: A Highly Accurate Approach to Inspecting and Restoring Trojan Backdoors in AI Systems
Design and Evaluation of a Multi-Domain Trojan Detection Method on ins Neural Networks
Poison as a Cure: Detecting & Neutralizing Variable-Sized Backdoor Attacks in Deep Neural Networks
Deep Poisoning Functions: Towards Robust Privacy-safe Image Data Sharing
A new Backdoor Attack in CNNs by training set corruption without label poisoning
Deep k-NN Defense against Clean-label Data Poisoning Attacks
Transferable Clean-Label Poisoning Attacks on Deep Neural Nets
Explaining Vulnerabilities to Adversarial Machine Learning through Visual Analytics
TensorClog: An imperceptible poisoning attack on deep neural network applications
DeepInspect: A black-box trojan detection and mitigation framework for deep neural networks
Resilience of Pruned Neural Network Against Poisoning Attack
Neural cleanse: Identifying and mitigating backdoor attacks in neural networks
SentiNet: Detecting Localized Universal Attacks Against Deep Learning Systems
- Authors develop SentiNet detection framework for locating universal attacks on neural networks
- SentiNet is ambivalent to the attack vectors and uses model visualization / object detection techniques to extract potential attacks regions from the models input images. The potential attacks regions are identified as being the parts that influence the prediction the most. After extraction, SentiNet applies these regions to benign inputs and uses the original model to analyze the output
- Authors stress test the SentiNet framework on three different types of attacks— data poisoning attacks, Trojan attacks, and adversarial patches. They are able to show that the framework achieves competitive metrics across all of the attacks (average true positive rate of 96.22% and an average true negative rate of 95.36%)
PoTrojan: powerful neural-level trojan designs in deep learning models
Spectral Signatures in Backdoor Attacks
- Identified a "spectral signatures" property of current backdoor attacks which allows the authors to use robust statistics to stop Trojan attacks
- The "spectral signature" refers to a change in the covariance spectrum of learned feature representations that is left after a network is attacked. This can be detected by using singular value decomposition (SVD). SVD is used to identify which examples to remove from the training set. After these examples are removed the model is retrained on the cleaned dataset and is no longer Trojaned. The authors test this method on the CIFAR 10 image dataset.
Defending Neural Backdoors via Generative Distribution Modeling
Detecting Backdoor Attacks on Deep Neural Networks by Activation Clustering
- Proposes Activation Clustering approach to backdoor detection/ removal which analyzes the neural network activations for anomalies and works for both text and images
- Activation Clustering uses dimensionality techniques (ICA, PCA) on the activations and then clusters them using k-means (k=2) along with a silhouette score metric to separate poisoned from clean clusters
- Shows that Activation Clustering is successful on three different image/datasets (MNIST, LISA, Rotten Tomatoes) as well as in settings where multiple Trojans are inserted and classes are multi-modal
Poison Frogs! Targeted Clean-Label Poisoning Attacks on Neural Networks
- Proposes neural network poisoning attack that uses "clean labels" which do not require the adversary to mislabel training inputs
- The paper also presents a optimization based method for generating their poisoning attacks and provides a watermarking strategy for end-to-end attacks that improves the poisoning reliability
- Authors demonstrate their method by using generated poisoned frog images from the CIFAR dataset to manipulate different kinds of image classifiers
Fine-Pruning: Defending Against Backdooring Attacks on Deep Neural Networks
- Investigate two potential detection methods for backdoor attacks (Fine-tuning and pruning). They find both are insufficient on their own and thus propose a combined detection method which they call "Fine-Pruning"
- Authors go on to show that on three backdoor techniques "Fine-Pruning" is able to eliminate or reduce Trojans on datasets in the traffic sign, speech, and face recognition domains
Backdoor Embedding in Convolutional Neural Network Models via Invisible Perturbation
Hu-Fu: Hardware and Software Collaborative Attack Framework against Neural Networks
Attack Strength vs. Detectability Dilemma in Adversarial Machine Learning
BEBP: An Poisoning Method Against Machine Learning Based IDSs
BadNets: Identifying Vulnerabilities in the Machine Learning Model Supply Chain
- Introduce Trojan Attacks— a type of attack where an adversary can create a maliciously trained network (a backdoored neural network, or a BadNet) that has state-of-the-art performance on the user’s training and validation samples, but behaves badly on specific attacker-chosen inputs
- Demonstrate backdoors in a more realistic scenario by creating a U.S. street sign classifier that identifies stop signs as speed limits when a special sticker is added to the stop sign
Towards Poisoning of Deep Learning Algorithms with Back-gradient Optimization
Targeted Backdoor Attacks on Deep Learning Systems Using Data Poisoning
Towards Poisoning of Deep Learning Algorithms with Back-gradient Optimization
Data Poisoning Attacks on Factorization-Based Collaborative Filtering
Using machine teaching to identify optimal training-set attacks on machine learners
Targeted Backdoor Attacks on Deep Learning Systems Using Data Poisoning
Antidote: Understanding and defending against poisoning of anomaly detectors