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This API was developed for the purpose of providing information for the Livros-app



Clone and navigate to the root folder of this project

OS X & Linux:

composer install
  • Create a database.sqlite on the root of the database folder
cp .env.example .env

Open the .env and set the database settings in the following fields:




sudo php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed

If you want to run this project in production, open .env and set the values for the following fields:

APP_ENV = production
APP_DEBUG = false 


php artisan serve

User guide

  • User registration

Before taking any action in the API, it is necessary to have a registered user. To create one, just send a POST request to the endpoint /api/register with the following structure:

    "email": "",
    "password": "password123",


The expected response if the user is successfully registered is like that.

    "email": """,
    "updated_at": "2019-09-10 02:54:23",
    "created_at": "2019-09-10 02:54:23",
    "id": 5
  • User Login

After create an account, send a POST request to the end point /api/login with the following structure:

    "email": "",
    "password": "password123"

If is an user valid the return it will be like this.

    "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6InRlc3RlMzRAZ21haWwuY29tIn0.UcGHQuxj5nJWBeJBKKGaw4Y2TfnbcFhQPxgpiLgMiW0"

The JWT used is Bearer token.

    "token" "<Bearer Token>":

To perform actions on the API it is necessary that the user is authenticated. To do this, simply send a POST request to the /api/login endpoint with the following structure: The expected response if the user authenticates successfully, is an authentication token with the following structure:

    "email": "",
    "password": "password123"
    "token" "<Bearer Token>":

Note: To perform any of the following actions, the authentication token must be defined in the request header:

Authorization: Bearer <Token>
  • Author register

To register a new author in the database, just send a POST request to the /api/authors endpoint with the following structure:

    "name": "Name"
  • Get authors

To get the authors registered, simply send a GET request to one of the following endpoints:

/api/authors - Return all registered authors
/api/authors/{id} - Returns the author that has the given id
  • Get authors books

To get the books of a registered author, simply send a GET request to the following endpoit:

  • Update author

To update the data of an author, simply send a PUT request to the endpoint /api/authors/{id}, where possible any of the fields in the structure below:

    "name": "Name",
  • Delete an author

To delete an author, simply send a DELETE request to the following endpoint:

  • Register a new book for an author

To register a new book for an author, just send a POST request to the endpoint /api/books with the following structure:


    "author_id": <author Id>,
    "name": "Name",
    "value": 99,99
  • Get details of an book

To get details of an book, simply send a GET request to the following endpoint:

  • Delete an book

To delete an book, simply send a DELETE request to the following endpoint:


Built With

  • Laravel - Serve-side framework used
  • Composer - Dependency manager for PHP
  • Fracal - Output complex, flexible, AJAX/RESTful data structures


simples api de livros e autos com laravel






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