Bi-directional reMarkable conversion tooling.
This repo contains tooling to perform bi-directional conversion with the reMarkable tablet's notebook file format, focusing on the current version of the format (firmware >3.0, rm lines file format v6). For information on the file format spec, see the sister repo.
The tooling is still very much a work in progress, but is minimally functional for certain conversion operations. It was originally conceived and developed to MVP during my 6-week batch at the Recurse Center in the summer of 2023.
Watch this space for updates. Happy to accept pull requests!
Here are the current progress and targets. This plan will be further refined.
Parser for internal structs - all structures in RM files can be read into some
type- Lines
- Text
- RM parser
- RM writer
- SVG parser
- SVG writer
- Drawing creation
- integration
Docs - The Forever Todo
Config file format
SVG write support
- Simple lines
- Brush types
- Line width
- Color
- Text
- Templates(?)
SVG read support
- Path M command
- Path L command
- Path C command
- transforms
- matrix
- ??? - there are others
- Circles
- Rectangles
- Text
RM write support
- Data insertion - can draw on an existing page
- Page insertion - can create a new page in existing notebook
- Notebook creation - can create a new notebook, incl metadata
- Simple lines
- Brush types
- Line width
- Color
- Text
- Text with formatting
Output JSON
More flexible notebook access
reading/parsing: currently only used to find modified time -
reading/parsing -