This reposityory contains the PyTorch implementation of "APSNet: Attention Based Point Cloud Sampling", The 33rd British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC, Spotlight), 2022.
Visualization of sampled points and reconstructed point clouds by APSNet (1st row) and SampleNet (2nd row). The red dots are the sampled points; the highlighted yellow regions in APSNet results are points with high attention scores and the number specify the order of sampled points. (a) Sampled points when $m=8$; (b) Reconstruction when $m=8$, NRE(APSNet)=2.55, NRE(SampleNet)=5.20; (c) Sampled points when $m=16$; (d) Reconstruction when $m=16$, NRE(APSNet)=1.57, NRE(SampleNet)=2.34.conda create --name my_env python=3.7
conda install cudatoolkit=10.0.130
conda install cudnn=7.6.0=cuda10.0_0
pip install -r requirement.txt
pip install -r req.txt
pip install --upgrade
## train apsnet
python --gpu 4 --epoch 400 -b 128 --num_out_points 32
## train task network
python --model pointnet_cls --log_dir pointnet --gpu 1 -b 128 --lr 0.01 --epoch 400
## train apsnet
python --gpu 4 --epoch 400 -b 128 --num_out_points 32
## train task network
python --model point_ae --log_dir pointae --gpu 1 -b 128 --lr 0.0001 --epoch 400
## Data preparation
Create the 'car' dataset (ModelNet40 data will automatically be downloaded to `data/modelnet40_ply_hdf5_2048` if needed) and log directories:
python data/
## train apsnet
python --gpu 4 --epoch 400 -b 128 --num_out_points 32
## Train *PCRNet* (supervised) registration network
To train a *PCRNet* model to register point clouds, use:
python -o log/baseline/PCRNet1024 --datafolder car_hdf5_2048 --sampler none --train-pcrnet --epochs 500
## Train SampleNet
To train SampleNet (with sample size 64 in this example), using an existing PCRNet as the task network, use:
python -o log/SAMPLENET64 --datafolder car_hdf5_2048 --transfer-from log/baseline/PCRNet1024_model_best.pth --sampler samplenet --train-samplenet --num-out-points 64
Please cite this paper if you find the paper or code is useful.
title = {APSNet: Attention Based Point Cloud Sampling},
author = {Yang Ye and Xiulong Yang and Shihao Ji},
journal = {The 33rd British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
year = {2022}