This is a plugin manager for people who don't like plugin managers. It's a simple shell function that downloads and installs plugins from GitHub as part of the sourcing step. It's designed to be used with zsh, but it should work with any shell.
in the terminal either clone this repo
git clone
or use a package manager
brew install yarden-zamir/tap/gh-source
then in your .zshrc
source gh-source.zsh
(This is the last time you need to clone shell stuff manually)
- Fast
- Simple
- Configuring/installing plugins in one location
- Updating plugins
- Opinionated - because all of my plugins are hosted on github, I can rely on that to make things easier and faster
- Customizable
As someone who didn't like all the stuff that comes with all the popular pluigin managers and hated how most don't even ofer proper updating system. I usually did the following
in the terminal
git clone
then in my .zshrc
source ~/github/zsh-autopair/autopair.zsh
using gh-source, I don't need to run anything ahead of time, just add this line to my .zshrc
gh_source hlissner/zsh-autopair/autopair.zsh
and it will download and source the plugin for me.
This is useful for sharing dotfiles, because I don't need to share an instruction manual for what to clone before hand or a seperate script. Better yet it lets me update all my plugins easily with gh_source --update
Usage: prog [options] [plugin] [install_command] [install_location]
gh-source owner/repo/script.zsh
gh-source owner/repo 'source {}/script.zsh && echo potato'
gh-source owner/repo 'source {}/script.zsh && echo potato' /home/user/special_location
gh-source --update
--help: print this help message
--update: update all plugins
--list: list all plugins
plugin: the plugin to source. If no install_command is passed, it will assume the last segment is the file to source (default install command)
install_command: the command to run to install the plugin (default: 'source {}/$(echo "$1" | cut -d'/' -f3-) where {} is replaced by install location. meaning that if your plugin is owner/repo/plug.zsh, it will run 'source $install_location/plug.zsh
install_location: the location to install the plugin to (default: $GH_SOURCE_INSTALL_LOCATION/$(basename $install_source))