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Beyond All Reason LAN server quick install guide (Windows)

Yaribz edited this page Feb 13, 2024 · 20 revisions

This quick install guide explains how to install a fully operational dedicated LAN server for Beyond All Reason on a Windows system (an Internet connection is required during installation). If an Internet connection is available when the server is running it will automatically update all the Beyond All Reason components (engine, game and maps) to follow the versions used on the official Beyond All Reason lobby server.

Warning: this install procedure downloads a lot of data using your Internet connection (about 1,1 GB for the game itself, and 15 GB for the maps)

Walkthrough video

Step 1: Install Perl for Windows + AnyEvent module

  • Download and install Strawberry Perl System installer version from

  • Open Windows Command Prompt: Start button > Windows System > Command Prompt

  • Enter following command in Windows Command Prompt:

    cpanm -n AnyEvent

Step 2: Install SPADS for Beyond All Reason LAN server

  • Create the installation folder (for example: C:\spads )

  • Download the installation package spadsInstaller.tar from into this folder

  • In Windows Command Prompt, extract the installation package and launch the installer in automatic mode:

    cd C:\spads
    tar xf spadsInstaller.tar && del spadsInstaller.tar
    perl --auto BarLanServer

    Note 1: You may have to relaunch the installer after it self-updated.

    Note 2: Installation may take a long time, depending on your Internet connection speed.

Step 3: Launch SPADS

  • From SPADS installation directory (in Windows Command Prompt), launch SPADS as follows:

    perl etc\spads.conf

    Note 1: The first run may take a long time, as all archive files downloaded previously are scanned to cache metadata and checksums.

    Note 2: On first run, a Windows Security Alert popup window may appear saying that "Windows Defender Firewall has blocked some features of this app". You need to have both boxes (Private networks and Public networks) checked and click on Allow access to allow SPADS to download resources and to allow the LAN server to communicate with lobby clients.

    Note 3: The first time a game is started on the local server, the same Windows Security Alert popup window may appear again, this time concerning the game server binary file (spring-dedicated.exe). As previously, you need to have both boxes (Private networks and Public networks) checked and click on Allow access to allow the game server to communicate with game clients.