Subax Tech is a web design and development agency. This is just a practice of how I want to build my web agency. This idea of having a web agency the way it started was; I was talking to one of my best friends and we were discussing how to have our business and then he told me this idea and that's how it started.
Navigation bar
- Logo andnavigation bar has a consistent look and placement on all three pages of the website supporting easy navigation. It includes a simple Logo, Service page, we are page (about) and get in touch page (contact) and is responsive on multiple screen sizes. On small screens (e.g. mobile devices) the navbar will be collapsed.Home page
The home page is the first thing the visitors will see and I displayed a little tagline below the nav bar also what we do section after the tagline.
black background color and white text color white background color and black text color
HTML and CSS code were validated with the W3C Markup and CSS validators. Both were found to have no errors or warnings. Reports can be seen below:
index page HTML validation check
index page CSS validation check
Platforms: Responsive design checker Browsers: Chrome Firefox Edge Opera
platform: Apple Ipad mini Browsers: Chrome Edge Opera
Platforms: Apple Iphone 13pro max Browsers: Chrome Edge Opera
1 Navigation link I have modified the navigation as it wasn't meet my expectations. Responsive navigation from bootstrap from Bootstrap
2 Accordion I have modified it as it wasn't meet my expectations. Accordion from bootstrap from Bootstrap
1 Brand Identity link Brand Identity on Freepik
2 Development link Development on Freepik
3 UI/UX design link UI/UX design on Freepik
The website was deployed using GitHub Pages by following these steps:
In the GitHub repository navigate to the Settings tab On the left hand menu select Pages For the source select: Deploy form a branch For the branch select: main After the webpage refreshes automaticaly you will se a ribbon on the top saying: "Your site is live at