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Pirates Team

Git introduction tutorial for the Pirates team :)


In this repository i will give an introduction about what we are going to work with and how we do it.

Forks :

After joining the pirates team you will see on the top right something called fork.

Frok: will bring the Repository to your profile so that you can work from you space.

Issues :

Issues are imporatant to create somethings that we need to implement or even if you want to eat kebap :D

Make sure to assign to yourself the issue that you are going to work with so that the others will know on what you are working with.

Pull request:

Lets you explain to the others about the changes the you pushed to the ropo, once you opend a pull request you can discuss you can discuss and review the potential changes with collaborators (the team) and add follow-up commits before the changes are merged into the repository.


I will separate them into 3 columns : Drag and Drop

To Do In progress Done
The issues that we need to do The issue that you are working with right now The issue that you finished it


In merge, we will merge the pull requset into the upstream branch (the main branch not in the main repo)


git clone <url-set>
git remote add origin <url-set>
git add <files name that you want to upload>
git commit -m "message"
git push // or you can do --> git push -u origin master

To pull the changes that the other done it

git fetch *remote-name* --> remote name is *origin* most of the time.
git merge *remote-name/branch-name* // this git merge is combines your local changes with changes made by others.
git pull *remote-name* *branch-name* // notce the space between the remote name and branch name

additional Command lines

If you want to work on other branch do this

git branch <branch-name>
git checkout <branch-name>


1. Fork this Repo
2. Create an issue
3. Create pull request
4. add me for an approval // on the right side called *Reviewers*
5. merge it.

Well Done you made it

Please Create an Issue and Thank the Pirates Team for those information


If you didn't said thank after reading those information we can know who you are. Remember we are Pirates


Git interdiction tutorial for the team







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