Telegram bot to automatically answer trivia game Quizarium's questions
There are 3 methods you can use to find answers for the questions; below are the results of their performance in a test against 200 random questions:
Method | Accuracy | Average time taken |
82% | 0.599s | |
DuckDuckGo | 71% | 1.097s |
LLM (ChatDolphin) | 66% | 4.128s |
Warning: Quizarium seems to have new anti-bot measures, proceed with caution and at your own risk!
- Clone repo, install dependencies in requirements.txt
- Rename template.env to .env
- Obtain your Telegram API ID and hash
- (Optional) Create a NLP Cloud account and get your API key
- Create a group chat with the Quizarium bot and copy the chat ID
- Update
with all above information - Run