- TypeScript
- ESlint, Prettier
- Styled-Components
- Storybook
- Jest, Unit testing with Jest and testing libary
components folder(only shared components) -> widgets(contains components specific to the page and coupling of all the components used in it) -> pages(where API calls happen)
├── .storybook/ Storybook config folder
├── public/ Static content to serve
├── src/
│ ├── config/
│ │ └── apiConfig.js API setup
│ ├── pages/
│ │ └── * Page components, routing is based on file tree
│ ├── ui/ Reusable stateless components based on Styled-Components with story and jest test, in 3 different subfolders
│ │ ├── atoms Atom components like Button, Image, Link, Tooltip etc
│ │ ├── components Card, Hero, Gallery etc, which consume a set of atom components.
│ │ └── widgets Wdigets consume a set of components, can be something larger lives in pages.
│ └── utils/ Common client side tools
├── index.jsx The app entry point
├── routes.yml Where all the app routes are put
├── editorconfig.json Editor settings
├── .eslintrc.js Linter config
├── .prettierrc Prettier config
├── jest.config.js Test environment config
├── jest.setup.ts Bootstrapping script for Jest/Enzyme
└── package.json Application manifest
yarn install
# start dev mode
yarn start
yarn storybook
# run unit test
yarn test
# run type check
yarn type-check
# run eslint
yarn lint