Welcome to my GitHub repository for my personal portfolio website. This repository contains the source code and assets for my portfolio page, which showcases my projects, skills, and a bit about me. You can visit the live website at [https://yihun-alemayehu.netlify.app]
I'm Yihun Alemayehu , a Software engineer passionate about mobile app and web development. I have a strong background in flutter and have worked on various projects, which you can explore on this website.
- [Demo]
- [Technologies Used]
- [Features]
You can check out the live demo of my portfolio here[https://yihun-alemayehu.netlify.app].
This portfolio website is built using the following technologies:
- JavaScript
- A homepage introducing myself and my profession.
- An About section tells everything about my backgroud briefly
- A skills section showcasing my skills with project descriptions and images.
- A Services section describes services that I can provide to my clients
- A contact section with links to my social media profiles and a contact form for inquiries.