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πŸš€ Schema based, typed Redis caching/memoize framework for Go


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cacheme - Redis Caching Framework For Go

example workflow Go Report Card Mentioned in Awesome Go

English | δΈ­ζ–‡

  • Statically Typed - 100% statically typed using code generation. Drop-in replacement, no reflect/type-assertion.
  • Scale Efficiently - thundering herd protection via pub/sub.
  • Cluster Support - same API for redis & redis cluster.
  • Memoize - dynamic key params based on code generation.
  • Versioning - cache versioning for better management.
  • Pipeline - reduce io cost by redis pipeline.

πŸŒ€ Read this first: Caches, Promises and Locks. This is how caching part works in cacheme.

πŸŒ€ Real world example with Echo and Ent:

// old
id, err := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 64)
comment, err := ent.Comment.Get(context.Background(), int(id))

// new
comment, err := cacheme.CommentCacheStore.Get(c.Request().Context(), c.Param("id"))


go get

After installing cacheme-go codegen, go to the root directory(or the directory you think cacheme should stay) of your project, and run:

go run init

The command above will generate cacheme directory under current directory:

└── cacheme
    β”œβ”€β”€ fetcher
 Β Β  β”‚Β Β  └── fetcher.go
    └── schema
        └── schema.go

It's up to you where the cacheme directory should be, just remember to use the right directory in Store Generation step.

Add Schema

Edit schema.go and add some schemas:

package schema

import (
	cacheme ""

var (
	// default prefix for redis keys
	Prefix = "cacheme"
	// store schemas
	Stores = []*cacheme.StoreSchema{
			Name:         "Simple",
			Key:          "simple:{{.ID}}",
			To:           "",
			Version:      1,
			TTL:          5 * time.Minute,
			Singleflight: false,
			MetaData: false,

More details here

Store Generation

Run code generation from the root directory of the project as follows:

# this will use default schema path ./cacheme/schema
go run generate

Or you can use custom schema path:

go run generate ./yours/cacheme/schema

This produces the following files:

└── cacheme
 Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ fetcher
 Β Β  β”‚Β Β  └── fetcher.go
    β”œβ”€β”€ schema
    β”‚Β Β  └── schema.go
    β”œβ”€β”€ store
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ base.go
    β”‚   └── simple.go
    └── store.go

If you update schema, just run generate again.

Add Fetcher

Each cache store can provide a fetch function in fetcher.go, you should call this Setup function before create client:

import "your/cacheme/store"

func Setup() {
	store.SimpleCacheStore.Fetch = func(ctx context.Context, ID string) (string, error) {
		return ID, nil

You can setup fetch functions in any place, using any pattern, not restricted to this file. Just make sure you have a fetch function when using store.

Use Your Stores

Create client and setup fetcher

import (

func main() {
	// setup fetcher
	// create client
	client := cacheme.New(
			Addr:     "localhost:6379",
			Password: "",
			DB:       0,
	// or cluster client
	client := cacheme.NewCluster(
			Addrs: []string{

Store API

Get single result: Get

Get cached result. If not in cache, call fetch function and store data to Redis.

// "foo" is the {{.ID}} part of the schema
result, err := client.SimpleCacheStore.Get(ctx, "foo")

Get pipeline results: GetP

Get multiple keys from multiple stores using pipeline. For each key, if not in cache, call fetch function and store data to Redis.

  • single store
pipeline := client.NewPipeline()
ids := []string{"1", "2", "3", "4"}
var ps []*store.SimplePromise
for _, i := range ids {
	promise, err := client.SimpleCacheStore.GetP(ctx, pipeline, i)
	ps = append(ps, promise)
err = pipeline.Execute(ctx)

for _, promise := range ps {
	r, err := promise.Result()
	fmt.Println(r, err)

Consider using GetM API for single store, see GetM example below.

  • multiple stores
// same pipeline for different stores
pipeline := client.NewPipeline()

ids := []string{"1", "2", "3", "4"}
var ps []*store.SimplePromise // cache string
var psf []*store.FooPromise // cache model.Foo struct
for _, i := range ids {
	promise, err := client.SimpleCacheStore.GetP(ctx, pipeline, i)
	ps = append(ps, promise)
for _, i := range ids {
	promise, err := client.FooCacheStore.GetP(ctx, pipeline, i)
	psf = append(psf, promise)
// execute only once
err = pipeline.Execute(ctx)
// simple store results
for _, promise := range ps {
	r, err := promise.Result()
	fmt.Println(r, err)
// foo store results
for _, promise := range psf {
	r, err := promise.Result()
	fmt.Println(r, err)

Get multiple results from single store: GetM

Get multiple keys from same store, also using Redis pipeline. For each key, if not in cache, call fetch function and store data to Redis.

qs, err := client.SimpleCacheStore.GetM("foo").GetM("bar").GetM("xyz").Do(ctx)
// qs is a queryset struct, support two methods: GetSlice and Get
// GetSlice return ordered results slice
r, err := qs.GetSlice() // r: {foo_result, bar_result, xyz_result}
// Get return result of given param
r, err := qs.Get("foo") // r: foo_result
r, err := qs.Get("bar") // r: bar_result
r, err := qs.Get("fake") // error, because "fake" not in queryset

You can also initialize a getter using MGetter

getter := client.SimpleCacheStore.MGetter()
for _, id := range ids {
qs, err := getter.Do(c.Request().Context())

Invalid single cache: Invalid

err := client.SimpleCacheStore.Invalid(ctx, "foo")

Update single cache: Update

err := client.SimpleCacheStore.Update(ctx, "foo")

Invalid all keys: InvalidAll

Only works when you enable MetaData option in schema.

// invalid all version 1 simple cache
client.SimpleCacheStore.InvalidAll(ctx, "1")

Schema Definition

Each schema has 5 fields:

  • Name - store name, will be struct name in generated code, capital first.
  • Key - key with variable using go template syntax, Variable name will be used in code generation.
  • To - cached value, type of value will be used in code generation. Examples:
    • string: ""
    • int: 1
    • struct: model.Foo{}
    • struct pointer: &model.Foo{}
    • slice: []model.Foo{}
    • map: map[model.Foo]model.Bar{}
  • Version - version interface, can be string, int, or callable func() string.
  • TTL - redis ttl using go time.
  • Singleflight - bool, if true, concurrent requests to same key on same executable will call Redis only once
  • MetaData - bool, if true, each store will save all generated keys to a Redis Set, so InvalidAll method can work.


  • Duplicate name/key is not allowed.
  • Everytime you update schema, run code generation again.
  • Not all store API support Singleflight option:
    • Get: support.
    • GetM: support. singleflight key will be the combination of all keys, order by alphabetical.
     // these two will use same singleflight group key
    • GetP: not support.
  • Version callable can help you managing version better. Example:
     // models.go
     const FooCacheVersion = "1"
     type Foo struct {}
     const BarCacheVersion = "1"
     type Bar struct {Foo: Foo}
     // schema.go
     // version has 3 parts: foo version & bar version & global version number
     // if you change struct, update FooCacheVersion or BarCacheVersion
     // if you change fetcher function or ttl or something else, change global version number
     	Name:    "Bar",
     	Key:     "bar:{{.ID}}:info",
     	To:      model.Bar{},
     	Version: func() string {return model.FooCacheVersion + model.BarCacheVersion + "1"},
     	TTL:     5 * time.Minute,
  • If set Singleflight to true, Cacheme Get command will be wrapped in a singleflight, so concurrent requests to same key will call Redis only once. Let's use some example to explain this:
    • you have some products to sell, and thousands people will view the detail at same time, so the product key product:1:info may be hit 100000 times per second. Now you should turn on singleflight, and the actually redis hit may reduce to 5000.
    • you have cache for user shopping cart user:123:cart, only the user himself can see that. Now no need to use singleflight, becauese there shouldn't be concurrent requests to that key.
    • you are using serverless platform, AWS Lambda or similar. So each request runs in isolated environment, can't talk to each other through channels. Then singleflight make no sense.
  • Full redis key has 3 parts: prefix + schema key + version. Schema Keycategory:{{.categoryID}}:book:{{.bookID}} with prefix cacheme, version 1 will generate key:
    Also you will see categoryID and bookID in generated code, as fetch func params.


You can use custom logger with cacheme, your logger should implement cacheme logger interface:

type Logger interface {
	Log(store string, key string, op string)

Here store is the store tag, key is cache key without prefix, op is operation type. Default logger is NOPLogger, just return and do nothing.

Set client logger:

logger := &YourCustomLogger{}

Operation Types:

  • HIT: cache hit to redis, if you enable singleflight, grouped requests only log once.
  • MISS: cache miss
  • FETCH: fetch data from fetcher


Parallel benchmarks of Cacheme

  • params: 10000/1000000 hits, 10 keys loop, TTL 10s, SetParallelism(100), singleflight on
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
BenchmarkCachemeGetParallel-12    	   10000	    198082 ns/op
BenchmarkCachemeGetParallel-12    	 1000000	      9501 ns/op


πŸš€ Schema based, typed Redis caching/memoize framework for Go








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