This package contains the code needed to setup and run the motor attached to the end-effector of the FANUC Scan-N-Plan demo at SwRI
This package utilizes tf2_ros and tf2_geometry_msgs to get tool position data. The tool position data is obtained from ROS2 via ROS bridge to set the arduino motor control signal I/O pin.
There are two nodes. One node obtains tool position data and publishes a boolean topic indicating whether the motor should be turn on or off. The second node runs via rosserial and subscribes to the boolean topic and sets I/O pin accordingly.
Download and install Arduino IDE from here
After installing the Arduino IDE, follow these instructions
Clone this repository to your ROS1 workspace source folder:
git clone
If necessary, install ROS package dependencies:
rosdep install --rosdistro noetic --ignore-src --from-paths .
The ee_motor_io.yaml contains the following parameters:
for lookupTransformsource_frame_name
for lookupTransformtrigger_height
to turn motor on/off in meters
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
catkin build ee_motor_io
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
roslaunch ee_motor_io ee_motor_io.launch