Right click on and you will be teleported to the same position in time of your choice
If you have any problems please create an issue I will try to answer them as soon as possible. And feel free to star the project
Finally, if you are looking for private plugins at a good price, I can make some on my discord: yakuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu_
Customies : You will need to have the customies plugin to use this plugin. Link : https://poggit.pmmp.io/ci/CustomiesDevs/Customies/Customies
lore: "Click right to PrePearl !"
max-stack-size: 16
cooldown: 250 # In seconds
cooldown-message: "§cYou can't PrePearl for {cooldown} seconds!"
teleport-time: 15 # In seconds
prepearl-message: "§aYou have PrePearl you will be teleported in 15 seconds!"
teleported-message: "§aYou have been teleported!"