This project is to serve opensse, Get line-drawing images for each model(support *.off and *.obj) using viewpoint matrix(under ../data/view/
In my demo, I used 102 viewpoints on earth to project line drawings.
gen_view_image modelfile xfdir viewnum imagedir
example:(make sure dir teddy is exist.)
./gen_view_image ../data/ ./data/view/ 102 teddy
On branch trianglemesh, there are powerfull line drawings extract framework for you. Until now, It supported Boundaries, Exterior Silhouette, Occluding Contours, Suggestive Contours, Ridges and Valleys, Apparent Ridges.
Code is under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
I accept tips through Alipay. Scan below qr code to donate:
If you have any question or idea, please email to me.