Forkify is a state-of-the-art recipe searching and management web application. It offers an intuitive way for users to search, explore, bookmark, and upload recipes. Designed using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, Forkify focuses on scalability, maintainability, and performance. With over 1 million recipes at your fingertips, Forkify transforms your cooking experience.
Forkify is built to handle all aspects of a modern web application:
- Search: Find recipes using a powerful search engine.
- Dynamic Updates: Recipes and lists are dynamically updated without page reloads.
- State Management: Robust handling of the application's state ensures smooth user experience.
- Mobile-Responsive: The UI is designed to work seamlessly across devices.
This project is an excellent demonstration of JavaScript ES6+, async/await, API integration, and modular SCSS styling.
Search Functionality
- Users can search for recipes using keywords (e.g., "pasta", "chicken").
- Fetches recipes from an online Forkify API.
- Displays results in a scrollable list with pagination for large datasets.
Detailed Recipe View
- Displays recipe details including preparation time, servings, and ingredients.
- Calculates adjusted ingredient quantities based on user-defined servings.
- Dynamically updates ingredient amounts as servings are modified.
Custom Recipe Upload
- Users can upload their own recipes with a custom form.
- Recipes are validated and added to the local storage for persistence.
- Bookmark your favorite recipes for quick access.
- Bookmarks are saved in localStorage, allowing them to persist even after the app is closed.
- Users can navigate large datasets with previous and next buttons.
Interactive UI
- Fully dynamic UI using modern JavaScript DOM manipulation.
- Smooth transitions between states.
Forkify uses the MVC architecture to create a separation of concerns:
- Model: Manages application state, fetches data from APIs, and updates data locally.
- View: Handles DOM updates and user interactions. Each section of the UI (e.g., bookmarks, search results, recipe details) has its own view module.
- Controller: Acts as a bridge between the model and view, orchestrating their interactions.
- src (source):
- img (images): Contains images and icons used by the application.
- js (JavaScript): Contains JavaScript modules for your application.
- views (views): Holds individual view components for the UI.
- config.js: Stores configuration settings like API endpoints and constants.
- controller.js: Manages the central application logic.
- helpers.js: Provides utility functions for data fetching and manipulation.
- model.js: Manages the application state (data).
- sass (stylesheets): Contains SCSS for modular and responsive styling.
- docs (documentation): Contains documentation and diagrams related to the project.
:- Main entry point for the application logic.
- Listens to events from the UI and triggers updates in the model or view.
:- Fetches recipe data from the API using async/await.
- Handles state management (search results, bookmarks, servings).
:- Contains reusable utility functions, such as making API requests.
View Modules (
):- Each view module manages a specific part of the UI (e.g., recipe details, search results, bookmarks).
- Updates the DOM efficiently using JavaScript.
Forkify uses a public recipe API to fetch data dynamically. The API endpoint is defined in config.js
. Data fetching is done via modern fetch
with error handling in place.
const res = await fetch(`${id}`);
const data = await res.json();
"recipe": {
"title": "Spaghetti Bolognese",
"publisher": "Chef John",
"ingredients": [
{ "quantity": 200, "unit": "g", "description": "spaghetti" },
{ "quantity": 100, "unit": "g", "description": "minced beef" }
The application maintains several states:
- Search State: Stores query results and current pagination state.
- Recipe State: Stores the current recipe data (ingredients, servings).
- Bookmark State: Stores a list of bookmarked recipes in localStorage, ensuring persistence across sessions.
- Responsive Design: Built using SCSS for modular styling and seamless responsiveness.
- Dynamic Bookmarking: Recipes persist between sessions using local storage.
- Custom Recipe Validation: Ensures that user-uploaded recipes meet format requirements.
- Node.js (v14+)
- NPM (v6+)
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd forkify-webapp
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm start
- Access the app at: http://localhost:1234
To generate a production-ready build, use:
npm run build
- Offline Mode: Allow users to access bookmarked recipes without an internet connection.
- Profile Management: Enable users to create accounts and sync recipes/bookmarks across devices.
- Advanced Filters: Add filters such as diet preferences, cuisine type, and preparation time.
Special thanks to Jonas Schmedtmann for his exceptional resources, tutorials, and guidance that inspired this project.
Enjoy cooking and happy coding! 🍳✨