Releases: YsoSirius/windfarmGA
Releases · YsoSirius/windfarmGA
- The dependencies sp, spatstat were removed and replaced by sf. All spatial outputs are now Simple Features. A Shapefile Polygon can still be passed as input to genetic_algorithm / windfarmGA, but more underlying functions now require the Polygon to be of type Simple Feature.
- The functions grid_area & hexa_area are now calculated with sf::st_make_grid.
- The new dependency elevatr has been added because it provides elevation data with a higher resolution compared to raster::getData.
- Several dependencies that are not essential for the algorithm were moved to Suggests.
- Bugfix for the calculation of the visibility analysis. #17
- The viewshed parameter h1 can now also be a numeric vector with different height offsets. #18
- The grid_area argument resol changed to size.
- The arguments for get_dist_angles have changed to match the arguments of turbine_influences.
v.2.2.3: Merge pull request #13 from trafficonese/master
Fix for R 3.4.0
This package was submitted to CRAN on 2019-02-21.
Performance Tuning / Restructuring / Viewshed Analysis