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Ycarus (Yannick Chabanois) edited this page Sep 9, 2022 · 23 revisions
  • What speed can I expect with a Raspberry PI 3 B ?

On my own tests, about 85.5Mb/s using modems connected via the ethernet port. The port is limited to 100Mb/s.

On a RPI3B+, with default settings, speed is limited to about 150Mb/s (due to CPU capacity).

  • How many interfaces can be used for MPTCP ?

The path-manager does not support more than 8 addresses per host.

  • Inactive TCP session are killed/SSH timeout after 2 minutes

For SSH, you can modify ServerAliveInterval in ssh configuration. You can also increase IPv4 TCP Keepalive time in the menu System->OpenMPTCProuter->Advanced Settings.

  • How to use OpenMPTCProuter on another platform?

Follow Create image for unsupported platform

  • Status say that Multipath is blocked on the connection, what can I do?

MPTCP is filtered somewhere on the network, so you can't use it. You can disable ShadowSocks and enable Glorytun UDP or MLVPN, they don't use MPTCP and can aggregate connection.

  • I can't get IPv6 on my OVH VPS, why ?

Check that IPv6 is configured on the VPS. If not follow this doc:

  • I don't get a good speed, what can I check ?

    • Check that your VPS have a bandwidth greater than the connections you want to aggregate.
    • Check that all CPU is not used on OpenMPTCProuter, you can use htop command with SSH
    • Check that all CPU is not used on the VPS side, you can install htop apt-get install htop and use it
    • Check each wan speed, using on the router via SSH: omr-test-speed wan1 (where wan1 is the real interface you wan to test), Ctrl+C to stop after at least 2 minutes.
  • How to get system log on the router via SSH ?

You can get them with the command: logread

  • Cisco ASA can block Multipath TCP

More info:

  • Google geolocalize me in a wrong country

You can set your country in and language in

  • I want to keep same interface name for my USB modems after reboot

Check in System->OpenMPTCProuter, "Advanced settings" tab that "Disable interfaces auto rename" is unchecked.