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Implementing Unification Algorithms in Haskell


This document is intended to help MSc project examiners browse the code and test run the code on their own computers. If you are a user, or you are an examiner but you want to see the user guide, please look into the file (click me).

##Getting the source code to your local disc The easiest way is to click "Download Zip" button on the Repository Home. The downloaded zip file will be named as ###Prepare your computer to run the code

  1. After you download the zip file, you would need to find it, unzip it and store the unzipped folder in a directory, say C:\Users\Yue\Downloads.
  2. Start your GHCi and change the search path to the unification-master folder by typing GHCi command

:cd C:\Users\Yue\Downloads\unification-master\unification-master

##If you wanted to see the code for Robinson's Algorithm

###For the data type See module ReadPrintTerms ###For occurs check See module ReadPrintTerms ###For substitution See module Substitution ###For the main algorithm body See module UnifyTerms. To run this algorithm please load the module into your Haskell platform such as WinGHCi, which is used by the author. Then you can call the function unifyTerms.

Example function calls can be find in testUnifyTerms.txt

##If you wanted to see the code for Martelli's Algorithm

###For the data type See both modules ReadPrintTerms and FOTEset ###For occurs check See module ReadPrintTerms ###For the main algorithm body See module MMAlgoA. To run this algorithm please load the module into your Haskell platform such as WinGHCi, which is used by the author. Then you can call the function unificationTransform.

An example function call can be found in testMMAlgoA.txt.

Another example input is in testMMAlgoA_2.txt. To use this file:

  1. Load the module MMalgoA to GHCi.
  2. Type GHCi command let eSet=readFile "testMMAlgoA_2.txt", then hit Enter. Nothing would happen.
  3. Type GHCi command eSet, then hit Enter. You will see the content of the file being displayed.
  4. Type GHCi command let eSet'= (read it)::FOTEset, then hit Enter. Nothing would happen.
  5. Type GHCi command eSet', then hit Enter. The equation will be displayed.
  6. Type GHCi command unificationTransform eSet' to solved the equation. The result would be displayed.

##If you wanted to see the code for test

###For the equation generators See module GenerateFOTE. Robinson's agorithm was used in both generators.

To sample the generators:

  1. Load the module GenerateFOTE into GHCi.
  2. Type GHCi command sample $ frequency unifiableFOTEGen, then hit Enter. Some randomly generated unifiable first order term equations will be displayed.You can run this command for as many times as you like.
  3. Type GHCi command sample $ frequency nUFOTEGen, then hit Enter. Some randomly generated not unifiable first order term equations will be displayed.You can run this command for as many times as you like.

###For property inspection See file testFunctions.hs. The comprehensive test was done by functions in the first 4 blocks of function definition.

To test that the Martelli's algorithm always returns Fail for not solvable equations:

  1. Load the testFunctions.hs file into GHCi by typing GHCi command :load testFunctions.
  2. Type GHCi command quickCheck prop_notUnify_notUnifiableFOTEMM then hit Enter. You may run this command for as many times as you want.

To test that the Martelli's algorithm always returns correct unifiers for solvable equations:

  1. Load the testFunctions.hs file into GHCi by typing GHCi command :load testFunctions. If the file has already been loaded, then skip this step.
  2. Type GHCi command quickCheck prop_unifCorrectMM then hit Enter. You may run this command for as many times as you want.

##If you wanted to see the code for project demonstration

See module UnificationDemo. The demonstration can use Robinson's algorithm to generate random solvable or not solvable equations and pass these equations to Martelli's algorithm to process, then display the result.

To run the demonstration:

  1. Load module UnificationDemo into GHCi by typing GHCi command :load UnificationDemo.
  2. Type GHCi command unificationDemo "MM1976A" then hit Enter. You may run this command for as many times as you like.

##If you wanted to know what other files are about, which were not mentioned above terms2read.txt : List of terms to read, made for a early program.

Setup.hs and unification.cabal : Two files that makes this repository a cabal package for distribution.

MMAlgoA.Buggy.hs: A copy of module MMAlgoA when it had problems.

LICENSE : Terms and conditions for using the code.

Test.hs : Term generator and property checks written by Mr. Chris Warburton.

.gitignore : A file that specifies what files shall be ignored when back up the local repositiry to GitHub.


implement unification algorithms in Haskell







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