Here you can find a scripts that I've made for Blender. Release versions are in separate folders with proper name. Everyting that is in the root is wip , test , etc.
Scripts that are in the release versions:
This a script to draw selection stats in the UI. There are a lot of optiona in the add-on preferences where you can change postion,color, size of the statistics. This addon just takes the buil-in stats, so it will not show correctly stats for the meshes with modifiers. I have 2 addional option to show tris and materials, but they are heavy for perfomance. Everyting is updated every frame so be aware that it can kill the perfomace. It works fine for low-polys and it was made just for that.
This is a simple script that extends the vertex group feature of the Blender. It will add menu entries to the context RMB menu. You will have additional options for work with vertex groups , such as add , substract get.
This script adds a menu for quick material assignment. It is called by keystroke that you can remap. Just an easier way to assign new or already existing material to selection
This is a script that emulates mouse selection tools in Modo. On the right click you have rayscat selection , dbl clicks select/deselect geometry based on selection. It could be connected , edge loops, edge rings.
This is a simple script that extends the option of hide\unhide in Blender.