Follow Me project was my highschool final year project for the matriculation score of software engineering.
- Android studio version Flamingo | 2022.2.1 patch 1 (last version the app was tested on).
- DJI drone physically nearby (preferably a Spark since it was tested on it extensively).
- Being in outside, with clear skies in order for the GPS sensors to be most accurate.
- SDK key from DJI website.
- Firebase project and google-services.json downloaded.
- Clone the project
- Setup a new project in Firebase, the app uses Firestore, Storage and Authentication features.
- Paste the google-services.json file in the root folder of the project.
- Paste the SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys in Firebase project setting in the website
- Paste the SDK key you got from DJI website in AndroidManifest.XML
- Update the gradle and dependencies as needed.
While using the app the main feature is the Flight activity which include several settings and options for your usage.
- Settings gear will allow you to determine the flight speed and altitude of the drone while following you.
- Press on the image button that says taking off/ landing the drone.
- Press on the button between the settings gear and landing/taking off in order to start the following. In order to stop the following press again on it.
- If for any reason you need the drone to land ASAP press on the red button in the bottom right of the screen.
- You can change the settings mid flight (check out for obstacles or people in the way)
- Instead of the black background a live feed from the drone's camera will show.
- The circular red button in the center of the lower part of the screen allows you to take a picture or film a video from the drone's camera.
- You can check out your flight's media after landing your drone by pressing on the gallery tab
- The app uses DJI SDK and therefore might be obselete at one point
- The drone might not recognize obstacles or people visually so make sure the sensors are working in order to prevent accidents
- There might be needed some changes if using any drone besides DJI Spark or Mavic