Attempt to archive a given Youtube livestream from the start. This is most useful for streams that have already started and you want to download, but can also be used to wait for a scheduled stream and start downloading as soon as it starts. If you want to download a VOD, I recommend yt-dlp, which is an actively maintained fork of youtube-dl with more features.
A WebUI front-end was created by leko, if that's something you want. Note that I do not use this myself and cannot comment on how well it works or looks, but it could be useful if you want to set up downloading on a remote server, or make a service out of it.
- FFmpeg needs to be installed to mux the final file.
Download the latest pre-release from the releases page Download the latest pre-release from the releases page
If you use Homebrew, you can install it by running
brew install danirukun/ytarchive/ytarchive
Alternatively, if you have Go properly installed and set up, run go install
is required because of some bullshit caching Go package proxies do. Should have used Rust...
Clone the repo and run docker build -f Dockerfile-[your cpu architecture] -t ytarchiver .
Or use the image from (docker pull z0pyrus/ytarchiver
To run the Docker Container use docker run -it --name ytarchiver -v /home/user/ytarchiver:/app/downloads z0pyrus/ytarchiver '[options]' '[youtube url]' '[quality]'
. Use for /home/user/ytarchiver
your path where the videos will be saved.
For example docker run -it --name ytarchiver /home/user/ytarchiver:/app/downloads z0pyrus/ytarchiver '-o' '--debug' '--monitor-channel' '-r' '180' '[youtube url]' 'best'
If you are using a Volume to save the vidoes, Setting to option '-o' '/app/downloads/%(title)s_%(id)s'
is mandatory:
docker run -it --name ytarchiver -v /home/user/ytarchiver:/app/downloads z0pyrus/ytarchiver '-o' '/app/downloads/%(title)s_%(id)s' '[options]' '[youtube url]' '[quality]'
It is recommended to add --log-opt max-size='100kb'
to your docker run command.
usage: ytarchive [OPTIONS] [url] [quality]
[url] is a youtube livestream URL. If not provided, you will be
prompted to enter one.
[quality] is a slash-delimited list of video qualities you want
to be selected for download, from most to least wanted. If not
provided, you will be prompted for one, with a list of available
qualities to choose from. The following values are valid:
audio_only, 144p, 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 720p60, 1080p, 1080p60, 1440p, 1440p60, 2160p, 2160p60, best
Show this help message.
Make all connections using IPv4.
Make all connections using IPv6.
Write some basic metadata information to the final file.
Pass in the given url as the audio fragment url. Must be a
Google Video url with an itag parameter of 140.
--cookies COOKIES_FILE
Give a cookies.txt file that has your youtube cookies. Allows
the script to access members-only content if you are a member
for the given stream's user. Must be netscape cookie format.
Print a lot of extra information.
Keep the final stream audio and video files after muxing them
instead of deleting them.
Automatically run the ffmpeg command for the downloaded streams
when sigint is received. You will be prompted otherwise.
--metadata KEY=VALUE
If writing metadata, overwrite/add metadata key-value entry.
KEY is a metadata key that ffmpeg recognizes. If invalid, ffmpeg may ignore it or error.
VALUE is a format template. If empty string (''), omit writing metadata for the key.
See FORMAT TEMPLATE OPTIONS below for a list of available format keys.
Can be used multiple times.
Mux the final file into an mkv container instead of an mp4 container.
Ignored when downloading audio only.
Continually monitor a channel for streams. Requires using a /live URL.
This will go back to checking for a stream after it finishes downloading
the current one. Implies '-r 60 --merge' unless set separately. Minimum
30 second wait time, 60 or more recommended. Using 'best' for quality or
setting a decently exhaustive list recommended to prevent waiting for
input if selected quality is not available for certain streams.
Be careful to monitor your disk usage when using this to avoid filling
your drive while away.
Do not download the audio stream
Keep fragment data in memory instead of writing to an intermediate file.
This has the possibility to drastically increase RAM usage if a fragment
downloads particularly slowly as more fragments after it finish first.
This is only an issue when --threads >1
Highly recommended if you don't have strict RAM limitations. Especially
on Wangblows, which has caused issues with file locking when trying to
delete fragment files.
Do not run the ffmpeg command for the downloaded streams
when sigint is received. You will be prompted otherwise.
Do not save any downloaded data and files if not having ffmpeg
run when sigint is received. You will be prompted otherwise.
If a googlevideo url is given or passed with --audio-url, do not
prompt for a video url. If a video url is given with --video-url
then this is effectively ignored.
Do not wait for a livestream if it's a future scheduled stream.
Set the output file name EXCLUDING THE EXTENSION. Can include
formatting similar to youtube-dl, albeit much more limited.
See FORMAT OPTIONS below for a list of available format keys.
Default is '%(title)s-%(id)s'
--retry-stream SECONDS
If waiting for a scheduled livestream, re-check if the stream is
up every SECONDS instead of waiting for the initial scheduled time.
If SECONDS is less than the poll delay youtube gives (typically
15 seconds), then this will be set to the value youtube provides.
Automatically save any downloaded data and files if not having
ffmpeg run when sigint is received. You will be prompted otherwise.
Save the audio to a separate file, similar to when downloading
audio_only, alongside the final muxed file. This includes embedding
metadata and the thumbnail if set.
--threads THREAD_COUNT
Set the number of threads to use for downloading audio and video
fragments. The total number of threads running will be
THREAD_COUNT * 2 + 3. Main thread, a thread for each audio and
video download, and THREAD_COUNT number of fragment downloaders
for both audio and video.
Setting this to a large number has a chance at causing the download
to start failing with HTTP 401. Restarting the download with a smaller
thread count until you no longer get 401s should work. Default is 1.
Download and embed the stream thumbnail in the finished file.
Whether the thumbnail shows properly depends on your file browser.
Windows' seems to work. Nemo on Linux seemingly does not.
Print just about any information that might have reason to be printed.
Very spammy, do not use this unless you have good reason.
Print extra information.
Print the version number and exit.
Pass in the given url as the video fragment url. Must be a
Google Video url with an itag parameter that is not 140.
If there is a VP9 version of your selected video quality,
download that instead of the usual h264.
Wait for a livestream if it's a future scheduled stream.
If this option is not used when a scheduled stream is provided,
you will be asked if you want to wait or not.
Write the video description to a separate .description file.
Write the ffmpeg command that would mux audio and video or put audio
into an mp4 container instead of running the command automatically.
Useful if you want to tweak the command, want a higher log level, etc.
Write the thumbnail to a separate file.
ytarchive -w
Waits for a stream. Will prompt for a URL and quality.
ytarchive -w 1080p60/best
Waits for the given stream URL. Will prioritize downloading in 1080p60.
If 1080p60 is not an available quality, it will choose the best of what
is available.
ytarchive --threads 3 best
Downloads the given stream with 3 threads in the best available quality.
Will ask if you want to wait if the stream is scheduled but not started.
ytarchive -r 30 best
Will wait for a livestream at the given URL, checking every 30 seconds.
ytarchive -c cookies-youtube-com.txt best
Loads the given cookies file and attempts to download the given stream.
Will ask if you want to wait.
ytarchive --no-wait --add-metadata best
Attempts to download the given stream, and will add metadata to the
final muxed file. Will not wait if there is no stream or if it has not
ytarchive -o '%(channel)s/%(upload_date)s_%(title)s' best
Download the given stream to a directory with the channel name, and a
file that will have the upload date and stream title. Will prompt to
ytarchive -w -k -t --vp9 --merge --no-frag-files best
Waits, keeps the final .ts files, embeds the stream thumbnail, merges
the downloaded files if download is stopped manually, and keeps
fragments in memory instead of writing to intermediate files.
Downloads the stream video in VP9 if available. This set of flags will
not require any extra user input if something goes wrong.
ytarchive -k -t --vp9 --monitor-channel --no-frag-files best
Same as above, but waits for a stream on the given channel, and will
repeat the cycle after downloading each stream.
Format template keys provided are made to be the same as they would be for
youtube-dl. See
For file names, each template substitution is sanitized by replacing invalid file name
characters with underscore (_).
id (string): Video identifier
url (string): Video URL
title (string): Video title
channel_id (string): ID of the channel
channel (string): Full name of the channel the livestream is on
upload_date (string: YYYYMMDD): Technically stream start date, UTC timezone - see note below
start_date (string: YYYYMMDD): Stream start date, UTC timezone
publish_date (string: YYYYMMDD): Stream publish date, UTC timezone
description (string): Video description [disallowed for file name format template]
Note on upload_date: rather than the actual upload date, stream start date is used to
provide a better default date for youtube-dl output templates that use upload_date.
To get the actual upload date, publish date seems to be the same as upload date for streams.