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Zachary Klein
CPSC 4040
Final Project:  Video Feedback Simulation

    Running feedback will apply the specified manipulations in order that they
    are passed. To ensure reproducability, one of the options you can specify
    is the seed used for random generation. When run, it will create images of
    each frame.

    I ended up not using any libraries for GPU acceleration, so runtimes can be
    Currently each option can only be passed once. This is a limitation of
    boost program options; there's probably a workaround but I didn't think it
    important to allow multiple uses of the same manipulation to create
    interesting effects.

Option descriptions:
    seed                Seeds the random generator
    width/height        Set dimensions
    outdir/o            Specify the directory for image output.
    limit               Stops making frames when limit is reached.
    gaussian            Apply a gaussian blur
    sharpen             Apply an unsharpen mask
    noise               Continuously add noise to the results
    rotate              Set a camera rotation
    zoom                Set the zoom factor
    blend               Blend in the previous frame (uses average)
    crawl options       This doesn't have a real-life 

    feedback.cpp        Runs the simulation
    Makefile            Makefile for the project
    runs                Run parameters I used for videos

Make targets:
    all/default         compile the project
    feedback            compile the project
    o2                  compile with the -o2 flag and without -g
    clean               remove object files and executables from the directory
    Video               use ffmpeg to turn images in output folder into a video

to run:
    ./feedback [options]

  -h [ --help ]                 Display help message
  --seed arg (=514941802)       Seed for random generator
  --width arg (=500)            Width of display
  --height arg (=300)           Height of display
  -o [ --outdir ] arg (=output) Output file directory
  --limit arg (=300)            Frame limit
  -g [ --gaussian ] arg (=3)    Apply a gaussian blur of specified kernel size
  -s [ --sharpen ] arg (=1)     Pass in the contrast value to sharpen the 
                                image. Uses an unsharpen mask with a 3x3 
                                gaussian kernel.
  -n [ --noise ] arg            Add noise to each frame, in the range [-n,n]
  -r [ --rotate ] arg           Rotate the camera
  -z [ --zoom ] arg             Zoom the camera
  -b [ --blend ] arg            Weight for blending in the last frame
  --cds arg                     ds for "crawl"; must use with cdv, cdsv, and cd
  --cdv arg                     dv for "crawl"; must use with cds, cdsv, and cd
  --cdsv arg                    dsv for "crawl"; must use with cds, cv, and cd
  --cd arg                      d for "crawl"; must use with cds, cdv, and cdsv

known issues: none
    Before applying a perspective warp a transform is applied
        to avoid negative values
    The image is always placed back with minimum values at 0, 0. This means
        translations don't have a notable effect on end results.
    The top left of the image is treated as the origin.


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