(1) Install a ubuntu PC. We suggested Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04. Please do not use virtual machine. (2) Install ros full-desktop version. We tried Indigo, Kinect and Melodic. (3) Please also install libpcap-dev.
(1). Copy the whole zvisionlidar ROS driver directory into ROS workspace, i.e "~/catkin_ws/src". Please make sure your dir mane has no special characters, '+', '(', ')' etc.
(2). Check the file attributes:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/zvisionlidar/zvision_lidar_driver
chmod 777 cfg/*
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/zvisionlidar/zvision_lidar_pointcloud
chmod 777 cfg/*
(3). Then to compile the source code and to install it:
cd ~/catkin_ws
By default, the ZVISION_LIDAR is configured to as its device IP and as destination IP that it would communicate. The default LiDAR UDP dst port is 2368. So you need configure your PC IP as a static one
We have provide example launch files under zvision_lidar_pointcloud/launch, we can run the launch file to view the point cloud data. For example, if we want to view ML30/ML30SA1 real time data: (1). Open a new terminal and run:
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch zvision_lidar_pointcloud ML30SA1.launch
We can also run the driver to view the offline pcap file:
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch zvision_lidar_pointcloud ML30SA1_pcap.launch
Then we can run view the pointcloud via "rviz"
Under "zvision_lidar_pointcloud/data" directory, you can find the lidar calibration parameters files for the exact sensor. By default the launch file load the files
- zvision_lidar_pointcloud/data/ML30SA1_Default.cal
If you have more than one ZVISIONLIDAR, you can put the data files into "zvision_lidar_pointcloud/data" directory.Then you need rewrite the launch file to start your lidar. We have put an example launch file "ML30SA1_two_sensor.launch" to load two lidars together for reference.
We could apply translation and rotation to the pointcloud before calculate the x-y-z. This operation is used after a zvision_lidar_node node is running. (1). Open a new terminal and run:
cd ~/catkin_ws
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
(2). Select the pointcloud source node (for example:zvision_lidar_node), and change the x-trans,...,z-trans,...,z-rotation.
Notes In the launch file, we could set the parameter (device_ip and udp_port) to receive the specific lidar data. In the launch file, we could set the parameter (angle_path) to get the correct angle file. In the launch file, we could set the parameter (x_tra/y_tra/z_tra) to coordination transformation(x = x_old + x_trans). In the launch file, we could set the parameter (x_rot/y_rot/z_rot) to coordination transformation(x = rotation (x_old)). In the launch file, we could set the parameter (timestamp_type) to fill PointCloud2 message timestamp field(0:local ros timestamp, 1:GPS timestamp field in udp packet).