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$ java -jar sportsball-0.1.0-standalone.jar [args]


FIXME: listing of options this app accepts.



The configuration is specified in the project's config.edn file. Each top level key in config map corresponds to a logical component in the app. Dependencies between these components are expressed using the #ig/ref tag. E.g. if a component map has an entry like :app/bar {:foo-dep #ig/reg :app/foo} it means that the :app/bar component is dependent on :app/foo. Below is an example of the app config, namespaced keys are used to indicate where the various components are found throughout the app.

{:storage/db {:dbtype "postgres"
              :user <user>
              :port <port>
              :password <pass>
              :dbname "sportsball"}

 :slack/conn-info {:URL <required-env-var: SPORTSBALL_SLACK_POST_URL_FILE>
                   :bot-token <required-env-var: SPORTSBALL_SLACK_BOT_TOKEN>
                   :channel "sports"}

 :app/logging {<required-env-var: SPORTSBALL_LOG_FILE>}

 :app/config {:alert-registry nil
              :db #ig/ref :storage/db
              :slack-conn-info #ig/ref :slack/conn-info}

 :app/routes {:config #ig/ref :app/config}

 :app/jetty {:jetty-conf {:port 3000 :join? false}
             :app-routes #ig/ref :app/routes}

 :app/task-scheduler {:core-threads 4}

 :app/scraper {:scheduler #ig/ref :app/task-scheduler
               :config #ig/ref :app/config
               :scrape-interval #or [#env SPORTSBALL_SCRAPE_INTERVAL_MINS 5]}}

The Aero library is used when parsing the config. Aero uses tagged literals to customize the behavior when parsing different config elements. Examples of custom defined tags specific to this app can be found in src/sporsball/config.clj.

Once the config is loaded it's passed to Integrant a lifecycle management library which then initializes the various app components described in the config taking the order of dependencies into account.

Slack Configuration

This app uses a Slack workspace to handle all user interaction. As a result it expects various elements to be enabled in the Slack workspace in order to function properly. Below is a list of Slack settings that the app expects and a list of interactive commands offered in the chosen Slack channel.

Required Slack Settings

  • A sportsball-bot app must be created and then installed in a Slack workspace. A Slack app can be generated for a workspace here.

  • A channel URL must be provided to the sportsball app via the :slack/conn-info {:URL ...} section of the config. This URL can be created in the incoming webhook section of the Slack workspace. This URL controls where register-game-alert messages will be sent.

  • A request URL must be registered with Slack. This URL will be sent a request any time a user interacts with a button in Slack. This URL can be set in the Slack Interactivity & shortcuts section. For now the URL should use the slack-alert-sub endpoint.

  • An oauth token with the following scopes for the workspace needs to be created. This token is the value for the :slack/conn-info {:bot-token ...} config setting described above. Required scopes: channels:read, chat:write, commands, files:write, incoming-webhook.

  • Each slash command below needs to be registered in the Slack workspace and given the URL where the sportsball app is listening. This can be done in the Slash Commands tab of your Slack workspace. See below for which sportsball routes map to which slash commands.

Slack Slash Commands

  • /export-csv <optional <start-date> <end-date> > - This command will send a dump of the contents of the odds table for the specified date range. If no date range is provided the app will attempt to send the entire contents of the odds table. Slack has a 1MB limit on file links so specifing a date range is recommended. This slash command hits the sportsball export-csv endpoint, this command must be created in Slack pointing at this endpoint.

  • /register-game-alert - This command will send an alert form via a Slack message. This form allows a user to pick two teams playing each other on a given day and set a threshold value in american odds when they would like an alert to be sent to the channel. During scraping if the threshold value for either team is crossed, i.e. the odds are less expensive than the threshold, a message will be sent to the Slack channel alerting the user. Currently all alert registrations assume that the game is on the same day that the alert is registered. This slash command hits the sportsball slack-alert-sub endpoint, this command must be created in Slack pointing at this endpoint.




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Copyright © 2021 FIXME

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at


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