First thing first - thanks for collaborating!
Every kind of contribution is valued and taken into account. Here you'll find some guidelines to effectively contribute the project. We're hoping to see what you'll make 🎉!
Psst... If you don't have time to contribute or you simply don't know how to code, no problem! There are other ways to show appreciation and help to the project you would make us happy by:
- Star us on GitHub
- Share with your friends
- Try out the app and report any bug / issue you find
Please ensure to follow the Code of Conduct at all time.
If you find an error, please open up an issue on GitHub. Make sure to include:
- A clear description of the error.
- Steps to reproduce (find) the error.
- If possible, screenshots or debug logs (found at Dev Interface) of the error.
- Environment info (app version, phone and OS details, ...).
If it's a security issue what we're talking about, DO NOT make a public issue, report it privately instead. See for more info. Thank you.
If you got an idea for a new feature or an enhancement, open up an issue and describe:
- The reason for your suggestion (what does it improve / add?).
- The suggestion itself.
- If possible, any example or reference that helps understanding better your suggestion.
Open and create your fork.
On your local PC, run:
git clone
with your fork's real git URL. Then open the folder.
git branch
It should show main
marked with an asterisk.
* main
(other branches we don't care about)
If the asterisk is not in main
, change to the main branch:
git checkout main
You'll require of NodeJS and NPM for that. Please use npm
npm install
npm run start
¡Aparcado! Now open the Expo Go app in your Android phone (you can get it from Google Play) and you should see PersonaPlus in the list of servers. Open it and you're ready to code! Start making changes and the app will live-refresh. Ensure to follow our coding conventions (the docs).
Test your changes before committing. Once everything's done, make a commit following our commit conventions.
git commit -m "(page:Results)(new) Show min, max, and average heart rate." # for example
Also, add your changes to the file.
Push your changes to your fork.
git push
Now make a pull request to PersonaPlus and you're done! Thank you 😄
Join our Discord server for discussions & sneak peeks onto the app.
By contributing to PersonaPlus, you accept your contributions are licensed under the GPL-3.0 license, and you accept all the implications of that.
Thank you for your time and effort to make PersonaPlus a better app for everyone!