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Releases: ZakaHaceCosas/personaplus


26 Jan 17:41
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0.0.6-preapp.29 Pre-release

PersonaPlus 0.0.6-preapp.29

Added a Report page and fixed a few of issues. Note there's an internal breaking change (WeekTuple) that breaks all Active Objectives (hence releasing right now with not too many changes). Still, now you got a new page to see your progress and some health insights, enjoy!

What's changed


  • Report page! Includes the following:
    • Daily log, showing what you did and what you didn't do each day (from your objectives).
    • Basic health insights (currently BMI and TDEE, which translates into how healthy your weight is and a rough estimate of the daily caloric ingest you should take).


  • Made session's timer slightly bigger.
  • Now the profile page shows "check for updates" before "about us".
  • (Experiment:Tracker) Now the running tracker better resembles the sessions page.


  • Fixed top being slightly cutoff on some displays.
  • Fixed some minor issues with Dev Interface.


  • "Today" table in the home page. It's been replaced by the report page.
  • License page, now only the small text is shown. For the larger one, a button to open the web is provided.

Full Changelog: 0.0.6-preapp.28...0.0.6-preapp.29


08 Jan 20:34
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0.0.6-preapp.28 Pre-release

PersonaPlus 0.0.6-preapp.28

Happy (late) new year! This release is pretty small, however I decided to push it now as it includes breaking changes (it affects how user data is stored). We've added a new question to the welcome page, asking about medical conditions. We'll later on add an utility for this data. Besides that, some minor issues were fixed. Next release will be larger, trust!

What's Changed


  • Added a question in the Welcome Screen to tell the app about medical conditions of the user.
  • (Experiment:Tracker) Added the Session timer to the running tracker page.
  • (Dev) A page to view scheduled notifications.


  • (Experiment:Report) Replace BMR with TDEE.


  • Fixed some missing / wrong translations in the sessions page.
  • Fixed pluralization of some texts.
  • Fixed some edge cases where your performance after a session wouldn't get saved.
  • (Experiment:Report) Fix the BMI traffic light.
  • (possibly) Fixed "Disable notifications" button from settings working, but not reflecting the changes on screen.

That's it, below is the link to the full changelog. Give yourself a plus!

Full Changelog: 0.0.6-preapp.27...0.0.6-preapp.28


25 Dec 00:11
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0.0.6-preapp.27 Pre-release

PersonaPlus 0.0.6-preapp.27

Merry Christmas! This release fixes a bunch of issues, including unresponsiveness for 3-dot-nav devices. It also adds basic stuff, like better form validation & the ability to edit active objectives. For devs & contributors, Dev Interface should now load way faster, content has been divided into separate pages, and now active objectives show all of their data in KV tables. Enjoy the update and the holidays!

What's Changed


  • Added the ability to edit an active objective.
  • Added a view displaying your daily log from the report page. (Currently only available as an experiment).


  • Now all objectives display their duration in their division.
  • Now the onboarding screen shows more clearly what's wrong when some data isn't alright.


  • Fixed a performance issue in the homepage caused by notification validation looping itself.
  • Fixed the app not correctly fetching the user's language in some cases.
  • Fixed the app going into loading state again if you accidentally touched in the navbar the button to the tab you're currently on.
  • Fixed some missing translations
  • Fixed some responsiveness issues with the onboarding screen.
  • Fixed the app not looking as it should on devices that still use 3-dot navigation.

Known issues

  • (Old, still present): First time launching the app doesn't properly handle missing user data, crashes. Relaunch the app once to fix it.

That's it, below is the link to the full changelog. Give yourself a plus!

Full Changelog: 0.0.6-preapp.26...0.0.6-preapp.27


07 Dec 15:31
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0.0.6-preapp.26 Pre-release

PersonaPlus 0.0.6-preapp.26

The (hopefully) last large-scale refactor / rewrite of the app (codename R6) is finally done. From now on we can focus on new features, so hope for updates after this one to be much better. Keep in mind there have been many visual and functional changes due to the R6 rewrite. Some changes might not be logged.

🇪🇸 Nota para españoles: El repositorio y todo lo relacionado ahora solo estarán en inglés. La app sigue estando disponible también en castellano.
Note for Spaniards: The repo and everything related to it will from now on be only in English. The app is still available in Spanish.

What's Changed


  • Now the Welcome Screen is more complete, errors have been fixed, it looks more beautiful, and now it asks you to specify your "daily check", a specific hour on which you'll be prompted daily to fill in a questionary about your day.
    • Note: The actual Daily Check feature isn't yet available.
  • Added a Not found page for non-existing routes.
  • More random, friendly messages :]
  • Now you can tap the numbers at the active objective creation page to set a custom value.
  • A settings page. Now most settings, and all new settings, have been moved from the profile tab to there.
  • Added the option to opt-out from reminder notifications.
  • Added a new "Experiments" feature, allowing you to enable experiments, like:
    • A Report page for you to view insights on your results
      • For now it's limited to showing results of basic CoreLibrary, BMI and BMR. Soon to be expanded with more data + insights on active objective progress.
    • An actual movement tracker for running sessions (will be added to walking as well, when it's stabilized).
  • New info for Dev Interface to display, like device details, a table with all active objectives and their ID, and even two new separate pages to view logs in a better way.


  • Gave the app a visual refresh. Many things have changed, they look better, feel and interact better, etc...
  • Changed many in-app texts.
  • Now, in the active objective creation page, days of the week are shown in a row instead of a column, saving up on space.
  • Now the credits page also showcases highlighted contributors.
  • Now active objectives & your profile page use icons instead of text based descriptions to represent properties.
  • Now the credits page also shows important GitHub contributors :].


  • Fixed some content lacking translations.
  • Fixed the app erroneously considering the onboarding form as completed even if it wasn't. Previously, if the app was left without submission and relaunched, it would load without the data, calling the user "Unknown".
  • Fixed Dev Interface showing "[object Object]" instead of the relevant data.
  • Fixed the app registering multiple times for reminder notifications, causing unwanted reminders.
  • Fixed buttons having inconsistent heights.
  • Fixed swap components having their order disrupted.
  • Fixed buttons intended to navigate back failing when there's no history.
  • Fixed the app being unable to scroll on some devices.
  • Fixed the app crashing at the end of a session.
  • Fixed the home page showing "all objectives done" even tho there are some objectives not done.
  • Fixed issues with notification scheduling.
  • Fixed Dev Interface sometimes rendering text in a wrong way.
  • Fixed the results page not properly showing burnt calories sometimes.
  • Fixed the update profile feature removing all user data that wasn't in the form.


  • "Mark as done" and the tick icon to early mark as done a live session - now the app won't offer the ability to just mark a session as done. You will have to actually get of your chair and do staff for the app to note your progress.
  • Repetitions. As the app currently supports nothing but sessions of a single, long-paced exercise, it doesn't really make sense to have "repetitions" in sessions.

Known issues

  • First time launching the app doesn't properly handle missing user data, crashes. Relaunch the app once to fix it.

New Contributors

That's it, below is the link to the full changelog. Give yourself a plus!

Full Changelog: 0.0.1-R5-b24...0.0.6-preapp.26


09 Aug 14:15
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0.0.1-R5-b24 Pre-release

PersonaPlus 0.0.1 [PRE-APP b24]

Qué hay en bandeja


  • La página de bienvenida fue arreglada, se ve mejor y más pulida.
  • La navegación ahora está abajo, como debe ser.
  • PersonaPlus ahora es capaz de auto detectar tu idioma (usará inglés si tu idioma no está soportado).
  • ¡Resultados! Después de algunas sesiones en vivo, verás una página bastante sencilla con una estimación de las calorías quemadas.

    Esta función aún está en desarrollo.

Mejoras y correcciones

  • Corregidos algunos errores tipográficos de la app.
  • Corregidos algunos fallos con las medidas que la app utilizaba para mostrar el contenido. Ahora los espaciados son mejores visualmente.

<Novedades para devs />

  • Se eliminaron:
    • Implementación duplicada de termLog() @ Dev Interface.
    • Exportacón de addLogToGlobal() @ Toolkit, console.
    • El uso de vw y vh. Estos resultaban ser erróneos. Ahora se usa Dimensions de React Native.
    • Algunas dependencias innecesarias.
  • Se mejoró:
    • Ya no es requerida la comprobación Array.isArray() al usar getObjectives(). Como efecto secundario, el único parámetro de la función (wayToGetThem) ya no es válido: siempre devolverá un objeto.
    • Ahora, en lugar de un JSX tan largo y anidado, varios elementos se movieron a funciones separadas dentro del propio archivo, notable sobre todo en index.tsx y Sessions.tsx.
    • Ahora los hijos de las <Division />s son opcionales.
    • Mejorados algunos registros de consola para ser más descriptivos.
    • Se añadió JSDoc a funciones que lo necesitaban, y se mejoró donde hacía falta.
    • La configuración de VSCode del repositorio.
  • Se añadió
    • Una función para obtener la fecha de hoy en formato DD/MM/YYYY (toolkit/today.ts, getCurrentDate()).
    • Registro diario de los objetivos. ¡Está inacabado!
      • Esta implementación reemplaza la propiedad wasDone, individual a cada objetivo, que ha sido eliminada.
    • Interfaces UserData y UserHealthData ahora se exportan del toolkit userData.ts.

Cambios triviales

  • Eliminado un huevo de pascua (único que había).
  • Ahora Dev Interface también tiene una pantalla de carga.


Errores conocidos

  • En algunos dispositivos, el deslizamiento puede fallar, no dejando deslizar el contenido.
  • Dev Interface falla al cargar ciertos datos, mostrando [object Object]

Todos los cambios: 0.0.1-R5-b23...0.0.1-R5-b24


28 Jul 17:28
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0.0.1-R5-b23 Pre-release

PersonaPlus 0.0.1 [PRE-APP b23]

Qué hay en bandeja


  • ¡Descansos en las sesiones!
  • Ahora al crear los objetivos, puedes tirar para atrás en la duración para obtener duraciones más precisas.

Mejoras y correcciones

  • Se tradujeron muchas cosas que no estaban en Castellano, incluyendo botones, tostadas Android, y demás.
  • Corregidos algunos problemas con el botón / opción de ir atrás de Android.
  • Ahora puedes editar tu perfil de forma normal: cambia sólo lo que quieras cambiar, no todo sí o sí.
  • Ahora las sesiones muestran el tiempo en formato MM:SS, en vez de sólo segundos.

Novedades para devs

  • Ahora es más simple y rápido acceder a Dev Interface.
  • Ahora todos los registros termLog de error aparecerán en una tostada Android.

Cambios triviales

  • Eliminados los preheader de la página Sobre
  • Corregido un diminuto error visual en la página Dev Interface, en concreto el espaciado del botón de despejar logs.
  • Un montón de novedades en la base de código, véase

Todos los cambios: 0.0.1-R5-b22...0.0.1-R5-b23


18 Jul 17:45
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0.0.1-R5-b22 Pre-release

PersonaPlus 0.0.1 [PRE-APP b22]

Qué hay en bandeja:


  • Añadido el Castellano como idioma.

Arreglado y Mejorado

  • Ahora la interfaz de bienvenida se ve mejor y más limpia.
  • A veces el botón "Ir atrás" en ciertas páginas no iba a la página correcta. Corregido.
  • Corregido un error con el que la app no recordaba bien qué días correspondía hacer x objetivo.
  • Ahora la app detecta con más precision los datos de usuario (edad, peso, altura...) inválidos.

Novedades para Desarrolladores

  • Añadidas funciones de despejar y exportar registros de desarrolladores.

Registro Completo: 0.0.1-R5-b21...0.0.1-R5-b22


14 Jul 09:16
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0.0.1-R5-b21 Pre-release

PersonaPlus 0.0.1 [PRE-APP b21]

Arreglados varios errores, por fin la app funciona de manera apropiada. Ofrece funcionalidad básica y limitada (repetimos que es una versión de prueba), pero - al contrario que los dos lanzamientos anteriores - este sí que debería funcionar correctamente.


Sólo disponible en inglés.

Registro de cambios completo: 0.0.1-R5-b20...0.0.1-R5-b21


10 Jul 18:28
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0.0.1-R5-b20 Pre-release



VERSIÓN DE PRUEBA, NI SIQUIERA ES UNA ALFA, errores conocidos e inestabilidad. Descárgala bajo tu propia discreción.

Una versión de prueba muy básica de la app (sólo en inglés), permite crear objetivos, es capaz de saber cuándo tienes que hacerlos y cuando no, puedes marcarlos como completados, y recibes recordatorios si no lo haces.


Errores conocidos

Las sesiones en vivo no funcionan en el APK correctamente, cuelgan la app.

Full Changelog: 0.0.1-R5-b19...0.0.1-R5-b20


06 Jul 14:29
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0.0.1-R5-b19 Pre-release



La he hecho solamente para probar el sistema para que la app sea auto actualizable.

En teoría sería una b19.5, pues contiene alguna función todavía no presente en el repositorio de momento.
Presenta algunas fallas.
Muestra b20 en Dev Interface.

Sólo en inglés.

Full Changelog: