Allows adding one or multiple links to any object and saves into a single DB field. Editing happens inline in the form field, no GridField or popup is used.
LinkList with 6 links (all possible types):
- At the moment, there is no way to limit the amount of links a user can add
- Uploading a file only works in the popup for attaching a file. the direct "upload new" link is not working (1)
- Using normal DropdownField with indentation instead of TreeDropdownField for Page selection (1)
- Files are not automatically published
(1) Problem is a bug in the underlying dependency. Sub-Routes in ArrayListField are currently not working
- Zauberfisch
- php >=7.1
- silverstripe/framework >=4.5
- zauberfisch/silverstripe-serialized-dataobject >=4
composer require "zauberfisch/silverstripe-easy-linkfield"
- rebuild manifest (flush)
class Page extends SilverStripe\CMS\Model\SiteTree {
private static $db = [
'Buttons' => \zauberfisch\LinkField\DBLinkList::class,
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$fields->addFieldsToTab( 'Root.Main', [
(new \zauberfisch\LinkField\LinkListField( 'Buttons', 'My Buttons'))
return $fields;
You can also limit the types of links that are allowed (builtin link types are: 'internal', 'external', 'file', 'email', 'phone'):
class MyClass extends \SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject {
private static $db = [
'ContactDetails' => \zauberfisch\LinkField\DBLinkList::class,
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$fields->addFieldsToTab( 'Root.Main', [
(new \zauberfisch\LinkField\LinkListField( 'ContactDetails', 'My Contact Details', ['email', 'phone']))
return $fields;
$list = $page->obj('Buttons')->getValue(); // $page being a Page object with a field Buttons from the example above
foreach($list as $button) {
/** @var \zauberfisch\LinkField\Link\AbstractLink $button */
// Always available Variables: getLink(), getAbsoluteLink(), getLinkType(), getTitle(), getNewTab()
// And depending on the type: getPage() (internal), getPageID() (internal), getURL() (external), getFile() (file), getFileID() (file), getEmail() (email), getCountryPrefix() (phone), getNumber() (phone), getPhoneNumber() (phone)
$link = $button->getLink();
$absoluteLink = $button->getAbsoluteLink();
$type = $button->getLinkType(); // one of 'internal', 'external', 'file', 'email', 'phone'
$title = $button->getTitle();
$openInNewTab = $button->getNewTab();
// use the values here
<% loop $Buttons.getValue %>
<%-- Always available Variables: $Link, $AbsoluteLink, $LinkType, $Title, $NewTab --%>
<%-- And depending on the type: $Page (internal), $PageID (internal), $URL (external), $File (file), $FileID (file), $Email (email), $CountryPrefix (phone), $Number (phone), $PhoneNumber (phone) --%>
<%-- If you use fields depending on the type, you have to check for the type first, otherwise you will get an error that the field was not found --%>
<%-- For example <% if $LinkType == 'internal' %>The Link is $Link and the PAGE URLSegment is $Page.URLSegment<% end_if %> --%>
<a href="$Link" <% if $NewTab %>target="_blank"<% end_if %>>$Title</a>
<% end_loop %>
namespace app\model\shop;
class Product extends DataObject {
public function Link() { return "/shop/product-{$this->ID}/"; }
public function AbsoluteLink() { return \SilverStripe\Control\DIrector::absoluteURL($this->Link()); }
# /app/_config/extensions.yml
product: 'app\model\ProductLink'
# /app/src/model/ProductLink.php
namespace app\model;
use app\shop\Product;
use SilverStripe\Forms\DropdownField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList;
use zauberfisch\LinkField\Link\AbstractLink;
* @property string $ProductID
* @method string|int getProductID()
* @method static setProductID(int $productID)
class ProductLink extends AbstractLink {
private static $fields = [
public function getCMSFields(): FieldList {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
new DropdownField('ProductID', $this->fieldLabel('Product'), Product::get()->map()->toArray())
return $fields;
* @return \SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject|null|Product
public function getProduct(): ?Product {
return $this->getProductID() ? Product::get()->byID($this->getProductID()) : null;
* @return \SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject|null|Product
public function Product(): ?Product {
return $this->getProduct();
public function getLink(): string {
$product = $this->getProduct();
return $product && $product->exists() ? $product->Link() : '';
public function getAbsoluteLink(): string {
$product = $this->getProduct();
return $product && $product->exists() ? $product->AbsoluteLink() : '';
public function getLinkType(): string {
return 'product';