Localization based game where players are scattered on a game area. The goal of each player is to survive the longest by outrunning enemies that consistently chase you and eventually outlast other players.
- A player can use a variety of items which will help him in his journey.
- Healthpack : Increases current health.
- Shield : Protects the user from taking damage from enemies.
- Shrinker: Makes the user less detectable by the enemies.
- Phantom: Hides user from enemies and other players by making him/her disappear.
- A player can collect coins, which he/she can use to buy items (e.g healthpack, shield etc.) from a market if he is sufficiently close to the market.
- A player has the ability to rest and not take damage in specific “Shelter” Areas.
- The game area (or arena) within which players compete shrinks over time.
- The score increases based on the player’s survival time and distance travelled.
- A player is able to see his in-game score as well as of the other players.
- A player can see the General Leaderboard.
- A player has the ability of befriending himself/herself with other users and chat with them.
- A player can at any time during the game consult the weather within his/her region.
- A player can see the leaderboard without being connected to the internet.
How to use the app:
In order to launch the game in Multiplayer, there are a couple of facts to take into consideration:
- We have hardcoded the number of players that can form a lobby, and we've set it to 2.
- The game has to be launched on 2 different emulators, each logging in with a different account.
- When launching the Multiplayer Mode on one device, we must wait a few seconds before launching the game on the second device for them to join the same lobby.
- When chatting with your friend, we have to refresh the chat in order to see the messages that you’ve received (for instance, if a friend sends you a message, you have to leave the chat and then come back to it in order to receive and see his messages).
P.S. We put the debug APK because the Google API key was not working with the release.