- Install NodeJS v10.15.0
- Navigate to project directory
- Install dependencies
npm i
- Create database config
cp ./config/config.json.example ./config/config.json
- Provide PostgreSQL credentials
- Create database and migrate
npx sequelize db:create && npx sequelize db:migrate
- Seed database (optional)
npx sequelize db:seed:all
- Start the app
npm start
- Setup database for test
- Create database
NODE_ENV=test npx sequelize db:create
- Run linter and tests
npm test
- Only linter
npm lint
- Build
npm run build
node dist/bundle.js
npx sequelize [command]
or node_modules/.bin/sequelize [command]
sequelize db:migrate Run pending migrations
sequelize db:migrate:schema:timestamps:add Update migration table to have timestamps
sequelize db:migrate:status List the status of all migrations
sequelize db:migrate:undo Reverts a migration
sequelize db:migrate:undo:all Revert all migrations ran
sequelize db:seed Run specified seeder
sequelize db:seed:undo Deletes data from the database
sequelize db:seed:all Run every seeder
sequelize db:seed:undo:all Deletes data from the database
sequelize db:create Create database
sequelize db:drop Drop database
sequelize init Initializes project
sequelize init:config Initializes configuration
sequelize init:migrations Initializes migrations
sequelize init:models Initializes models
sequelize init:seeders Initializes seeders
sequelize migration:generate Generates a new migration file
sequelize model:generate Generates a model and its migration
sequelize seed:generate Generates a new seed file
As a project may be a mixture of web pages and API endpoints you need to tag the routes you wish Swagger to
document. Simply add the tags: ['api']
property to the route object for any endpoint you want documenting.
You can even specify more tags and then later generate tag-specific documentation. If you specify
tags: ['api', 'foo']
, you can later use /documentation?tags=foo
to load the documentation on the
HTML page (see next section).
method: 'GET',
path: '/todo/{id}/',
options: {
handler: handlers.getToDo,
description: 'Get todo',
notes: 'Returns a todo item by the id passed in the path',
tags: ['api'], // ADD THIS TAG
validate: {
params: {
id : Joi.number()
.description('the id for the todo item'),
Once you have tagged your routes start the application. The plugin adds a page into your site with the route /documentation
so the the full URL for the above options would be http://localhost:3000/documentation
- Install ganache-cli (Fast Ethereum RPC client for testing and development)
npm install -g ganache-cli
- Install truffle
npm install -g truffle
- Navigate to truffle directory
cd truffle
- Run local node in the separate tab:
ganache-cli -p 7575 -i 5777 --db ./ganache_db -d -m race bridge north visit currenwheel kiss analyst mule melody potato coast
- Compile contracts
truffle compile
- Migrate contracts
truffle migrate --reset
- Test contracts
truffle test