This is a back end theme for the Open Source CMS Contao
It is based on bootstrap and the theme from
contao-sb-admin is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.
- PHP >= 5.4.0
- Contao >= 3.2
Installation via composer or Extension Repository from Contao
- install the Extension
- log in and choose the theme
in your user settings - if you add
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['backendTheme'] = 'sb-admin';
to your localconfig you will get the full support of the theme and you have to copy the following templates to yourtemplate
Folder- be_forbidden.html5
- be_no_active.html5
- be_no_forward.html5
- be_no_layout.html5
- be_no_page.html5
- be_no_root.html5
- be_referer.html5
- be_unavailable.html5
- be_incomplete.html5
- be_error.html5
- Background picture from @planepix (
- startbootstrap-sb-admin-2 Theme (
- bootstrap (