To navigate safely and efficiently in crowded spaces, robots should not only perceive the current state of the environment but also anticipate future human movements. In this paper, we propose a reinforcement learning architecture, namely Falcon, to tackle socially-aware navigation by explicitly predicting human trajectories and penalizing actions that block future human paths. To facilitate realistic evaluation, we introduce a novel SocialNav benchmark containing two new datasets, Social-HM3D & Social-MP3D. This benchmark offers large-scale photo-realistic indoor scenes populated with a reasonable amount of human agents based on scene area size, incorporating natural human movements and trajectory patterns. We conduct a detailed experimental analysis with the state-of-the-art learning-based method and two classic rule-based path-planning algorithms on the new benchmark. The results demonstrate the importance of future prediction and our method achieves the best task success rate of 55% while maintaining about 90% personal space compliance.
Assuming you have conda installed, let's prepare a conda env:
conda create -n $conda_env_name python=3.9 cmake=3.14.0
conda activate $conda_env_name
Following Habitat-lab's instruction:
conda install habitat-sim=0.3.1 withbullet -c conda-forge -c aihabitat
Then, assuming you have this repositories cloned (forked from Habitat 3.0), install necessary dependencies of Habitat.
git clone
cd Falcon
pip install -e habitat-lab
pip install -e habitat-baselines
- Download Scene Datasets
Following the instructions for HM3D and MatterPort3D in Habitat-lab's
- Download Episode Datasets
Download social navigation (SocialNav) episodes for the test scenes, which can be found here: Link.
After downloading, unzip and place the datasets in the default location:
unzip -d data/datasets/pointnav
- Download Leg animation
wget > data/robots/spot-data/spot_walking_trajectory.csv
- Download Multi-agent necessary data
python -m habitat_sim.utils.datasets_download --uids hab3-episodes habitat_humanoids hab3_bench_assets hab_spot_arm
The file structure should look like this:
├── datasets
│ └── pointnav
│ ├── social-hm3d
│ │ ├── train
│ │ │ ├── content
│ │ │ └── train.json.gz
│ │ └── val
│ │ ├── content
│ │ └── val.json.gz
│ └── social-mp3d
│ ├── train
│ │ ├── content
│ │ └── train.json.gz
│ └── val
│ ├── content
│ └── val.json.gz
└── scene_datasets
└── robots
└── humanoids
└── versoned_data
└── hab3_bench_assets
Note that here the definition of SocialNav is different from the original task in Habitat 3.0.
In this paper, two rule-based methods are used for evaluation:
ASTAR: A well-known pathfinding algorithm that finds the shortest path using a heuristic to estimate the cost.
ORCA: A multi-agent navigation algorithm designed for collision-free movement through reciprocal avoidance.
You can evaluate Astar or ORCA on the Social-HM3D or Social-MP3D datasets using the following template:
python -u -m \
For example, to run Astar on the Social-HM3D dataset:
python -u -m \
If you wish to generate videos, simply add the habitat_baselines.eval.video_option=["disk"]
to the end of the command. For instance, to run Astar on the Social-HM3D dataset and record videos:
python -u -m \
--config-name=social_nav_v2/astar_hm3d.yaml \
TODO: this section is work in progress. The code of Proximity can be found in this link.
If you find this repository useful in your research, please consider citing our paper:
title={From Cognition to Precognition: A Future-Aware Framework for Social Navigation},
author={Zeying Gong and Tianshuai Hu and Ronghe Qiu and Junwei Liang},