This is a Monte Carlo Pi Simulation in APL (A Programming Language). APL is a array and functional language that uses lots of fancy math symbols to deduce the language
It is a very compact language, in fact, conway's game of life can be fitted to only 4 lines with printing and all
lifeInit ← {?2⍴⍨1 2×⍵}
lifeIter ← {⊃1 ⍵∨.∧3 4=+/+⌿1 0 ¯1∘.⊖1 0 ¯1⌽¨⊂⍵}
life ← '.⌽'[t←lifeInit 10]
{} {life∘←'.⌽'[⍵] ⋄ _←⎕DL÷8 ⋄ lifeIter ⍵}⍣≡t
For this project, I've created a Monte Carlo Pi Simulation in one line. To run I suggest using an online editor like
Otherwise the one liner is below
The short breakdown is we want to sum the sum of the squares and filter if it is equal or greater than 1. If true, sum 1 otherwise sum 0