The soon to be #1 programming language in the world. It is a turing-complete language modelled after the measured UwUness of a programming language called BrainFuck. Check out the website for more info! Alternatively, check out the documentation for more info.
If you are on Debian or Ubuntu, you can install the package from the release and do sudo apt install ./uwulang_<VERSION_NUMBER>_all.deb
replacing <VERSION_NUMBER>
with the version number of the release.
Otherwise you can build it from source. First clone the repo:
git clone
Then run
make install
to install the package to your local machine. This will install the uwulang
binary to your local machine and a man page for the uwulang
command. (requires make and gcc)
Running it by first building it in c with make
or just use gcc src/main.c -Wall -std=c99 -o uwulang
. Once you have the binary, if you provide a file as the first arg, it will take the contents of the file and run UwULang on it:
./uwulang test/hellOwOrld.uwu
Otherwise if you provide no args, it will launch into the UwULang shell interpreter.
The interpreter is a command-line program that reads a UwULang script from a file or from standard input and executes it. The interpreter should be able to be invoked with the command uwulang
. with no arguments provided
That will launch you into an interactive interpreter. The interpreter should print a prompt starting with >
, and then read a line of input from standard input. The interpreter should then execute the line of input as a UwULang program. The interpreter should then print the prompt again and read another line of input. This process should continue until the user does Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Z. The interpreter should then exit.
To run a UwULang script from a file, you can run uwulang <filename>
. The interpreter should then execute the script in the file and exit.
By using the -v
flag, you can get the version of UwULang
Using the -h
flag, you can get the help menu
There is also a helpful man page! You can access it by running man uwulang
- π - increment
- π - decrement
- π- go right
- π- go left
- π₯Ί- print char
- π³- get char
- π₯΄- random short
- π- jump to π‘ if curr == 0
- π‘- jump back to π if curr != 0
*definitely not just brainfuck with extended functionality that you can use uwufier conversion tool
If you want to implement UwULang, you can use the specification file
Print Hello World to the console
Print the first 10000 square numbers
Prints digits of the transcendental number e (this program is non terminating ie it will run forever for ever greater precision)
If you want to convert bf files to UwU files use the Transpiler or UwUfier written in Golang
Thanks to Daniel Cristofani who created Brainfuck!
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