Profile data for every npm author: name, email, GitHub handle, etc.
npm install owner-profiles --save
const profiles = require('owner-profiles')
// {
// username: 'zeke',
// email: '',
// name: 'Zeke Sikelianos',
// homepage: '',
// github: 'zeke',
// twitter: 'zeke'
// }
npm install
npm test
- chai: BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
- clean-deep: Remove falsy, empty or nullable values from objects
- lodash: Lodash modular utilities.
- mocha: simple, flexible, fun test framework
- npm-user: Get user info of a npm user
- owners: Usernames and package counts for every npm package author
- standard: JavaScript Standard Style
- standard-markdown: Test your Markdown files for Standard JavaScript Style™