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[NeurIPS 2024] A Large-Scale Human-Centric Benchmark for Referring Expression Comprehension in the LMM Era


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This repository contains the data loader, evaluation, and inference demonstrations for several LMMs on the HC-RefLoCo dataset..

Dataset Download

The HC-RefLoCo dataset can be downloaded from Hugging Face:

sudo apt install git-lfs
git clone
  • Hint: Since the GitHub and Huggingface repositories share the same name, it is recommended to establish a new dir-path for the code or dataset.


You can install the data loader and evaluation API with the following command:

pip install 'git+'
# (add --user if you don't have permission)

# Or, to install it from a local clone:
git clone
pip install -e HC-RefLoCo

Data Loader

We provide the HCRefLoCoDataset class, which inherits from

- dataset_path (str): Path to the dataset directory.
- split (str): Dataset split, typically "val", "test" or "all".
- custom_transforms: Custom image transformations to apply.
- load_img (bool): Whether to load images from the tar file when init the class.
- images_file (str): Name of the images 'tar.gz' file.

Additionally, we offer the:

  1. change_split method, which accepts a split parameter and is used to switch the dataset split.
  2. load_images_from_tar method, which accepts img_path, an optional parameter of the images tar.gz file.


Evaluation API Introduction

We provide the HCRefLoCoEvaluator class, which takes the following arguments:

- dataset (HCRefLoCoDataset|str): The dataset/path_to_dataset to evaluate.
- split (str): The split of the dataset to evaluate. Default is 'val'.
- thresholds (List[float]): The thresholds to evaluate the IoU. Default is [0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95].
- show_ths (List[float]): The thresholds to display in the evaluation results. Default is [0.5, 0.75, 0.9].
- subjects (List[str]): The subjects to evaluate. Default is ['Appearance','Human-Object Interaction','Celebrity','OCR','Action','Location'].
- small_size_th (int): The threshold to define a small size bounding box. Default is 128.
- large_size_th (int): The threshold to define a large size bounding box. Default is 256.

To evaluate predictions, the evaluate method is called, which accepts two arguments: predictions and save_file. The predictions should be a list of dictionaries, each containing three keys: [id, pred_bbox, format]. The id is the annotation ID, and the format specifies the format of pred_bbox, which should be either xyxy or xywh.

The change_split method is also provided in HCRefLoCoEvaluator.

Evaluation Output

The evaluation considers three parts:

  1. The accuracy under various IoU thresholds and the average accuracy of IoU from 0.5 to 0.95 with a stride of 0.05.
  2. The accuracy of each subject. There are six subjects: 'Appearance', 'Human-Object Interaction', 'Celebrity', 'OCR', 'Action', 'Location.'
  3. The accuracy of small, medium, and large objects.

Here is an example output for the predictions from Shikra on the validation set:

Item                             | Value
iou|0.5                          | 0.5709580838323354
iou|0.75                         | 0.35419161676646704
iou|0.9                          | 0.10546407185628742
iou|0.5:0.95                     | 0.34418413173652695
Accs for copy                    | 0.571, 0.354, 0.105, 0.344
Subject-Appearance               | 0.32812803961446635
Subject-Human-Object Interaction | 0.3241014044275172
Subject-Celebrity                | 0.5630392156862745
Subject-OCR                      | 0.31104693140794226
Subject-Action                   | 0.3015205271160669
Subject-Location                 | 0.31951608941292065
Subject evaluation for copy      | 0.328, 0.324, 0.563, 0.311, 0.302, 0.32
Small                            | 0.14040650406504065
Medium                           | 0.3437775330396476
Large                            | 0.3820263394193355
Size evaluation for copy         | 0.14, 0.344, 0.382
  • The results may differ slightly from those in the paper due to the introduction of randomness.

To reproduce this result, you can run:

cd ./demo_models/shikra/
python \
    --pred_dir exp-hc_refloco/shikra_eval_hc_refloco \
    --split val \
    --dataset_path <HC-RefLoCo Path>

Demo Models

Before performing inference on the HC-RefLoCo dataset, you need to install the models according to their instructions and download their weights. The instructions are located in each model's folder.

1. Shikra

  1. Modify the dataset path and split in the 4th and 5th rows of demo_models/shikra/config/_base_/dataset/
  2. Modify the output path in the 4th row of demo_models/shikra/config/
  3. Run the inference command:
cd ./demo_models/shikra
accelerate launch --num_processes 4 \
        --main_process_port 20917 \
        mllm/pipeline/ \
        ./config/ \  
        --cfg-options model_args.model_name_or_path=<Checkpoint Path>
  1. Run to evaluate the inference results.
python \
    --pred_dir <Output Path Set in Step 2> \
    --split <val or test> \
    --dataset_path <HC-RefLoCo Path>

The val split inference results are provided at demo_models/shikra/exp-hc_refloco/shikra_eval_hc_refloco, you can run the step 4 to reproduce results.

2. Ferret

  1. Run the inference command:
cd demo_models/ml-ferret
python ./ferret/eval/ \
    --model-path <checkpoint path> \
    --data-path <HC-RefLoCo Path> \
    --data-split <val or test> \
    --answers-file <Output Path> \
  1. Run to evaluate the inference results.
python ferret/eval/ \
    --prediction_file <Output Path> \
    --data_path <HC-RefLoCo Path> \
    --data_split <val or test>

The val split inference results are provided at demo_models/ml-ferret/output_hc_refloco, you can run the step 2 to reproduce results.


  1. Run the inference and evaluation command:
cd demo_models/kosmos-2
python \
    --dataset-path <HC-RefLoCo Path> \
    --split <val or test> \
    --output-path <jsonl output path> \

The val split inference results are provided at demo_models/kosmos-2/output/predictions.jsonl, you can run the step 1 to reproduce results.

Coming Soon...

Further model instructions and updates will be provided soon.

Dataset License

The HC-RefLoCo dataset is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. Please note that the images in the HC-RefLoCo dataset are derived from the following datasets, each with their respective licenses:

By using the HC-RefLoCo dataset, you agree to comply with the licensing terms of these source datasets.


[NeurIPS 2024] A Large-Scale Human-Centric Benchmark for Referring Expression Comprehension in the LMM Era







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