Worked on this base:
Team: Carlos Dorst, Ramón Moreno, Angel Barceló.
Play the game HERE
This is a Lunar Lander game that uses HTML/CSS, Javascript and Java
- Base Game (HTML and Javascript)
- Config managing with a database (PostgreSQL)
- Import .csv config files
- Sign up / Log in system to play.
- The app creates the tables if they doesn't exist the first time the server runs the game.
- The app uses cookies or local storage
- Show a list of games played, score config and time played for each game
- Show a list of users currently playing.
- Export the app to PASS
v0 - Created the repository and started working
v1 - Added login system and database
v2 - Beta code for the game and Register servlet modified
v3 - Added Login servlet and upgraded the game code
v4 - Config menu CSS , modified startpage to nitiate from Login Servlet
v5 - Config working, Added a class to be able to encrypt both SHA1 and MD5, fixed cookie checking.
v6 - Added ConfigLoader Servlet, Posts to manipulate configs
v7 - Get info at the start and end of a game, Updated Front-End and minor error fixes