Quick run:
snakemake -p --snakefile pipeline/T2T_Assembly.snakemake.py --configfile pipeline/T2T_Assembly.snakemake.yaml --jobs 24
Most of the tools listed can be installed via Anaconda through searching them in anaconda
The versions listed for thes tools were tested and used in this project.
- snakemake v5.9.1
- fastp v0.20.1
- jellyfish v2.2.10
- genomescope v2.0
- hifiasm v0.15.5-r350
- gfatools v0.4-r214-dirty
- nanoQC v0.8.1
- nextDenovo v2.4.0
- minimap2 v2.17-r941
- racon v1.4.13
- mashmap v2.0
- samtools v1.12
- bwa v0.7.17-r1188
- pilon v1.23
- picard v2.18.29