provides a migration and a monkeypatch for the django auth.user model to allow customisable field lengths for usernames and email addresses.
It's designed to be a simple include-and-forget project that makes a little headache go away. Enjoy, and pull requests welcome!
pip install git+git://
You will also need to install south to use the migration.
pip install South==0.7.5
You will also need to install django-appconf to use the neat configuration overrides.
pip install django-appconf==0.4.1
Add 'longeruserfields' to the top of your INSTALLED_APPS
INSTALLED_APPS = ("longeruserfields",) + INSTALLED_APPS
If you want to specify a custom length, add it to The default is 36.
LONGERUSERFIELDS_USERNAMELENGTH = 75 # optional, default is 36.
If you want to specify a custom length, add it to The default is 255 characters.
LONGERUSERFIELDS_EMAILLENGTH = 100 # optional, default is 255.
$ python migrate longeruserfields
That's it, you should be good to go!
This app also automatically monkey patches the User forms in the Django admin to remove the 30 character limit for usernames and the 75 character limite for email addresses.
It provides a suitable replacement for the standard AuthenticationForm as well, but due to the implementation you must manually utilize it.
from longeruserfields.forms import AuthenticationForm
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# ...
(r'^accounts/login/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.login', {'authentication_form': AuthenticationForm}),
The monkeypatch for this is very largely based on celement's answer on stackoverflow
This has been forked and improved upon based on madssj implementation.
Implement a way to allow usage of custom model for users