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USB Flashing Format (UF2) for your build.zig
This package is for assembling uf2 files from ELF binaries. This format is used for flashing a microcontroller over a mass storage interface, such as the Pi Pico.
See for how we're going to embed file source into the format.
For use in a build.zig:
const uf2 = @import("uf2");
pub fn build(b: *Build) void {
// ...
const uf2_dep = b.dependency("uf2", .{});
const uf2_file = uf2.from_elf(uf2_dep, exe, .{ .family_id = .RP2040 });
_ = b.addInstallFile(uf2_file, "bin/test.uf2");
pub fn build(b: *Build) void {
// ...
const uf2_dep = b.dependency("uf2", .{});
const elf2uf2_run = b.addRunArtifact(uf2_dep.artifact("elf2uf2"));
// family id
elf2uf2_run.addArgs(&.{"--family-id", "RP2040"});
// elf file
// output file
const uf2_file = elf2uf2_run.addPrefixedOutputFileArg("--output-path", "test.uf2");
_ = b.addInstallFile(uf2_file, "bin/test.uf2");