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Profiling Scilla : Tips

Vaivaswatha N edited this page May 15, 2019 · 2 revisions
  • To profile and view the profiling data, you need to compile our codebase with debug (line number) info.

    • To do that, you have to edit all the dune files in the src/ directory (recursively) of Scilla and add the line (ocamlopt_flags -g)
    • See src/cpp/dune for where to add the line. (as an example. It has c_flags added similarly) then make clean; make to build from scratch.
  • You now have a build with debug info (line number info) in the executables.

    • Now just run valgrind --tool=callgrind -v ./bin/scilla-runner .... This will create profile outputs as described here You can visualize that profiling data with kcachegrind.
    • In short, what valgrind --tool=callgrind does is to run the executable and sample frequently which parts/lines of the (Scilla) code is executing. At the end of it has a "database" of which lines where executed "how many times". That's pretty much what we want: where was most of our time spent.
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