Python Xantrex Uploader for
These scripts borrow heavily from PowerMon. I created this because I moved from a Windows laptop to the Raspberry PI and couldn't find any suitable programs / scripts to upload Xantrex Inverter data to
Requires feedparser and pyserial. If your distro doesn't have any of the requirements installed, run the command:
apt-get install python python-serial python-feedparser curl
Also requires a free Open Weather Map account in order to utilise the API (
Clone to the desired path.
Edit and set your APIKey and SystemID
Edit and change the Serial port if required. I am using a USB Serial adapter.
Edit and make the following changes:
owm_api = '######' to your Open Weather Map api key
owm_cityid = '######' to your Open Weather Map city. A list of cities and ID's can be found at the following link: ID is the first column
owm_unit - 'metric' to imperial if you want data displayed in Imperial (Farenheit, Miles, etc)
Setup a cron job to execute:
python --live
at the desired intervals (every 5, 10, 15 min).
Eg I have it running every 5 minutes between 6am & 6pm
*/5 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 * * * python /home/pi/solar/ --live > /home/pi/solar/errors.log 2>&1 0 18 * * * python /home/pi/solar/ --live > /home/pi/solar/errors.log 2>&1
python --daily_summary
at the desired time when inverter is offline. This will add the daily summary, update weather, etc
Eg I have it run the final daily upload after the inverter has shut off at 9.02pm
2 21 * * * python /home/pi/solar/ --daily_summary > /home/pi/solar/errors.log 2>&1
My PVOutPut page:
##To Do
Add MySql logging of data