Inspired by the Rubberduck project for VBA, this project is called Brainduck (it was either that or Rubberf... erhm...)
Brainduck is a tool for Brainfuck written in Java and Groovy
- Can run Brainfuck programs
- Editor with line numbers
- Step through the code to see what happens
- Code Analysis
- Memory Analysis
- Groovy DSL (Domain-Specific-Language) for writing Brainfuck programs
- Fully-fledged debugger, with breakpoints
- Brainfuck code to Groovy code conversion
- Support for test-cases
- Syntax highlighting
- Showing Errors and Warnings in Editor
- Showing Tips for how to improve the Brainfuck code
git clone
cd Brainduck
./gradlew dist
A *-all.jar
file can be found in Brainduck/build/libs/
, run it with java -jar *-all.jar
Or download the latest *-all.jar
version from my Jenkins