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Vanessa219 committed Sep 28, 2023
1 parent 172b7ed commit df3f444
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Showing 6 changed files with 85 additions and 89 deletions.
13 changes: 3 additions & 10 deletions app/src/constants.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -541,18 +541,11 @@ export abstract class Constants {
public static readonly INLINE_TYPE: string[] = ["block-ref", "kbd", "text", "file-annotation-ref", "a", "strong", "em", "u", "s", "mark", "sup", "sub", "tag", "code", "inline-math", "inline-memo"];
public static readonly BLOCK_HINT_KEYS: string[] = ["((", "[[", "((", "【【"];
public static readonly BLOCK_HINT_CLOSE_KEYS: IObject = {"((": "))", "[[": "]]", "((": "))", "【【": "】】"};
public static readonly EXTRA_CODE_LANGUAGES: string[] = [
// 同名
// common: "bash", "c", "csharp", "cpp", "css", "diff", "go", "xml", "json", "java", "javascript", "kotlin", "less", "lua", "makefile", "markdown", "objectivec", "php", "php-template", "perl", "plaintext", "python", "python-repl", "r", "ruby", "rust", "scss", "sql", "shell", "swift", "ini", "typescript", "vbnet", "yaml", "properties", "1c", "armasm", "avrasm", "actionscript", "ada", "angelscript", "accesslog", "apache", "applescript", "arcade", "arduino", "asciidoc", "aspectj", "abnf", "autohotkey", "autoit", "awk", "basic", "bnf", "dos", "brainfuck", "cal", "cmake", "csp", "cos", "capnproto", "ceylon", "clean", "clojure", "clojure-repl", "coffeescript", "coq", "crystal", "d", "dns", "dart", "delphi", "dts", "django", "dockerfile", "dust", "erb", "elixir", "elm", "erlang", "erlang-repl", "excel", "ebnf", "fsharp", "fix", "flix", "fortran", "gcode", "gams", "gauss", "glsl", "gml", "gherkin", "golo", "gradle", "groovy", "haml", "hsp", "http", "handlebars", "haskell", "haxe", "hy", "irpf90", "isbl", "inform7", "x86asm", "jboss-cli", "julia", "julia-repl", "ldif", "llvm", "lsl", "latex", "lasso", "leaf", "lisp", "livecodeserver", "livescript", "mel", "mipsasm", "matlab", "maxima", "mercury", "axapta", "routeros", "mizar", "mojolicious", "monkey", "moonscript", "n1ql", "nsis", "nestedtext", "nginx", "nim", "nix", "node-repl", "ocaml", "openscad", "ruleslanguage", "oxygene", "pf", "parser3", "pony", "pgsql", "powershell", "processing", "prolog", "protobuf", "puppet", "purebasic", "profile", "q", "qml", "reasonml", "rib", "rsl", "roboconf", "sas", "sml", "sqf", "step21", "scala", "scheme", "scilab", "smali", "smalltalk", "stan", "stata", "stylus", "subunit", "tp", "taggerscript", "tcl", "tap", "thrift", "twig", "vbscript", "vbscript-html", "vhdl", "vala", "verilog", "vim", "wasm", "mathematica", "wren", "xl", "xquery", "zephir", "crmsh", "dsconfig", "graphql",
// third: "yul", "solidity", "abap", "hlsl"
public static readonly ALIAS_CODE_LANGUAGES: string[] = [
"js", "ts", "html", "toml", "c#", "bat",
public static readonly CODE_LANGUAGES: string[] = [
// 附加
// common
"bash", "c", "csharp", "cpp", "css", "diff", "go", "xml", "json", "java", "javascript", "kotlin", "less", "lua", "makefile", "markdown", "objectivec", "php", "php-template", "perl", "plaintext", "python", "python-repl", "r", "ruby", "rust", "scss", "sql", "shell", "swift", "ini", "typescript", "vbnet", "yaml", "properties", "1c", "armasm", "avrasm", "actionscript", "ada", "angelscript", "accesslog", "apache", "applescript", "arcade", "arduino", "asciidoc", "aspectj", "abnf", "autohotkey", "autoit", "awk", "basic", "bnf", "dos", "brainfuck", "cal", "cmake", "csp", "cos", "capnproto", "ceylon", "clean", "clojure", "clojure-repl", "coffeescript", "coq", "crystal", "d", "dns", "dart", "delphi", "dts", "django", "dockerfile", "dust", "erb", "elixir", "elm", "erlang", "erlang-repl", "excel", "ebnf", "fsharp", "fix", "flix", "fortran", "gcode", "gams", "gauss", "glsl", "gml", "gherkin", "golo", "gradle", "groovy", "haml", "hsp", "http", "handlebars", "haskell", "haxe", "hy", "irpf90", "isbl", "inform7", "x86asm", "jboss-cli", "julia", "julia-repl", "ldif", "llvm", "lsl", "latex", "lasso", "leaf", "lisp", "livecodeserver", "livescript", "mel", "mipsasm", "matlab", "maxima", "mercury", "axapta", "routeros", "mizar", "mojolicious", "monkey", "moonscript", "n1ql", "nsis", "nestedtext", "nginx", "nim", "nix", "node-repl", "ocaml", "openscad", "ruleslanguage", "oxygene", "pf", "parser3", "pony", "pgsql", "powershell", "processing", "prolog", "protobuf", "puppet", "purebasic", "profile", "q", "qml", "reasonml", "rib", "rsl", "roboconf", "sas", "sml", "sqf", "step21", "scala", "scheme", "scilab", "smali", "smalltalk", "stan", "stata", "stylus", "subunit", "tp", "taggerscript", "tcl", "tap", "thrift", "twig", "vbscript", "vbscript-html", "vhdl", "vala", "verilog", "vim", "wasm", "mathematica", "wren", "xl", "xquery", "zephir", "crmsh", "dsconfig", "graphql",
// third
"yul", "solidity", "abap", "hlsl"

// Google Analytics 事件
public static readonly ANALYTICS_EVT_ON_GET_CONFIG: string = "siyuan.onGetConfig";
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions app/src/protyle/preview/image.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ export const previewImage = (src: string) => {
addScript(`${Constants.PROTYLE_CDN}/js/viewerjs/viewer.js?v=1.10.4`, "protyleViewerScript").then(() => {
const imagesElement = document.createElement("ul");
imagesElement.innerHTML = `<li><img src="${src}"></li>`;
// @ts-ignore
window.siyuan.viewer = new Viewer(imagesElement, {
title: [1, (image: HTMLImageElement, imageData: IObject) => {
let name = image.alt;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,8 +56,7 @@ export const previewDocImage = (src: string, id: string) => {
imagesElement.innerHTML = html;
// @ts-ignore
window.siyuan.viewer = new window.Viewer(imagesElement, {
window.siyuan.viewer = new Viewer(imagesElement, {
title: [1, (image: HTMLImageElement, imageData: IObject) => {
let name = image.alt;
if (!name) {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/src/protyle/render/graphvizRender.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export const graphvizRender = (element: Element, cdn = Constants.PROTYLE_CDN) =>
const url = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
const blobUrl = url.createObjectURL(blob);
const worker = new Worker(blobUrl);
new window.Viz({worker})
new Viz({worker})
.renderSVGElement(Lute.UnEscapeHTMLStr(e.getAttribute("data-content"))).then((result: HTMLElement) => {
renderElement.innerHTML = result.outerHTML;
Expand Down
15 changes: 6 additions & 9 deletions app/src/protyle/toolbar/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1146,14 +1146,11 @@ export class Toolbar {
const id = nodeElement.getAttribute("data-node-id");
let oldHtml = nodeElement.outerHTML;

const languages = Array.from(new Set<string>([
...(window.hljs?.listLanguages() ?? []),
const html = [
`<div class="b3-list-item b3-list-item--focus">${window.siyuan.languages.clear}</div>`, => `<div class="b3-list-item">${item}</div>`),
let html = `<div class="b3-list-item b3-list-item--focus">${window.siyuan.languages.clear}</div>`;
const hljsLanguages = Constants.ALIAS_CODE_LANGUAGES.concat(window.hljs?.listLanguages() ?? []).sort();
hljsLanguages.forEach((item) => {
html += `<div class="b3-list-item">${item}</div>`;
}); = ""; = "";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1196,7 +1193,7 @@ export class Toolbar {
inputElement.addEventListener("input", (event) => {
const lowerCaseValue = inputElement.value.toLowerCase();
const matchLanguages = languages.filter(item => item.includes(lowerCaseValue));
const matchLanguages = hljsLanguages.filter(item => item.includes(lowerCaseValue));
let html = "";
// sort
let matchInput = false;
Expand Down
52 changes: 38 additions & 14 deletions app/src/types/index.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,17 +81,45 @@ type TAVFilterOperator =
declare module "blueimp-md5"

interface Window {
Viewer?: Function
Viz?: IViz
echarts?: IECharts
hljs?: IHLJS
katex?: IKaTeX
mermaid?: IMermaid
plantumlEncoder?: IPlantumlEncoder

echarts: {
init(element: HTMLElement, theme?: string, options?: { width: number }): {
setOption(option: any): void;
getZr(): any;
on(name: string, event: (e: any) => void): any;
containPixel(name: string, position: number[]): any;
resize(): void;
dispose(element: Element): void;
getInstanceById(id: string): { resize: () => void };
renderAbc(element: Element, text: string, options: { responsive: string }): void;
hljs: {
listLanguages(): string[];
highlight(text: string, options: { language?: string, ignoreIllegals: boolean }): { value: string };
getLanguage(text: string): { name: string };
katex: {
renderToString(math: string, option: {
displayMode: boolean;
output: string;
macros: IObject;
trust: boolean;
strict: (errorCode: string) => "ignore" | "warn";
}): string;
mermaid: {
initialize(options: any): void,
init(options: any, element: Element): void
plantumlEncoder: {
encode(options: string): string,
pdfjsLib: any

dataLayer: any[]

siyuan: ISiyuan
webkit: any
html2canvas: (element: Element, opitons: {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,11 +381,7 @@ interface ISiyuan {
bookmarkLabel?: string[]
blockPanels: import("../block/Panel").BlockPanel[],
dialogs: import("../dialog").Dialog[],
viewer?: {
destroyed: boolean,
show: () => void,
destroy: () => void,
viewer?: Viewer

interface IScrollAttr {
Expand Down
88 changes: 36 additions & 52 deletions app/src/types/protyle.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,55 +1,3 @@
interface IABCJS {
renderAbc(element: Element, text: string, options: { responsive: string }): void;

interface IViz {
new(worker: { worker: Worker }): IViz;
renderSVGElement: (code: string) => Promise<any>;

interface IEChartsInstance {
setOption(option: any): void;

getZr(): any;

on(name: string, event: (e: any) => void): any;

containPixel(name: string, position: number[]): any;

resize(): void;

interface IECharts {
init(element: HTMLElement, theme?: string, options?: { width: number }): IEChartsInstance;
dispose(element: Element): void;
getInstanceById(id: string): { resize: () => void };

interface IHLJS {
highlight(text: string, options: { language?: string, ignoreIllegals: boolean }): { value: string };
getLanguage(text: string): { name: string };
listLanguages(): string[];

interface IKaTeX {
renderToString(math: string, option: {
displayMode: boolean;
output: string;
macros: IObject;
trust: boolean;
strict: (errorCode: string) => "ignore" | "warn";
}): string;

interface IMermaid {
initialize(options: any): void;
init(options: any, element: Element): void;

interface IPlantumlEncoder {
encode(options: string): string;

interface ILuteNode {
TokensStr: () => string;
__internal_object__: {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,6 +97,42 @@ interface ILuteOptions extends IMarkdownConfig {
lazyLoadImage?: string;

declare class Viz {
constructor(worker: { worker: Worker });

renderSVGElement: (code: string) => Promise<any>;

declare class Viewer {
public destroyed: boolean;

constructor(element: Element, options: {
title: [number, (image: HTMLImageElement, imageData: IObject) => string],
button: boolean,
initialViewIndex?: number,
transition: boolean,
hidden: () => void,
toolbar: {
zoomIn: boolean,
zoomOut: boolean,
oneToOne: boolean,
reset: boolean,
prev: boolean,
play: boolean,
next: boolean,
rotateLeft: boolean,
rotateRight: boolean,
flipHorizontal: boolean,
flipVertical: boolean,
close: () => void

public destroy(): void

public show(): void

declare class Lute {
public static WalkStop: number;
public static WalkSkipChildren: number;
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