mageutils:bugfix - use name instead of tag name and push release branch (#137 )
mageutils:bugfix - major rc or beta was not working (#135 )
bugfix:release - rm CheckoutRcRelease and update CheckoutReleaseBranch (#134 )
mageutils:feature - adding cherry pick command to update versioning files (#130 )
mageutils:bugfix - adding actual version output (#131 )
mageutils:feature - add git basic operations and cosignKeyWriter (#132 )
mageutils:feature - adding magefile to simplify the release process and also add beta and rc (#128 )
lint:chore - updating lint with new rules and fixing lint errors (#127 )
swagger: updating swag version and changing sh to use go install (#123 )
deps: update module to v1.42.0 (#121 )
lint bugfix: fixing some lint errors (#122 )
update security Pipeline (#115 )
renovate: updating renovate json (#118 )
deps: update module to v1.22.2 (#117 )
update module to v1.2.1 (#116 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.