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* Install


Certain plugins were removed from vimtlib and put into a repo of their own -- please see:
If you're missing something, write an e-mail.

* Status

    #A bbcode           -- syntax & templates
    #A checksyntax      -- Check syntax when saving a file (php etc.)
    #A cmdlinehelp      -- Display help on the command in the command line
    #A hookcursormoved  -- Call functions when the cursor position changed
    #A livetimestamp    -- Change a time stamp when saving a file
    #A loremipsum       -- A dummy text generator
    #A quickfixsigns    -- Mark quickfix & location list items with signs
    #A rcom             -- Evaluate R ( code via rcom (windows only)
    #A scalefont        -- Switch between your favourite font/gui settings
    #A shymenu          -- Show the menu bar only when pressing an accelerator key
    #A startup_profile  -- Profile vim startup
    #A tAssert          -- Simple Assertions
    #A tbibtools        -- bibtex related tools (sort, filter ...)
    #A tcalc            -- A simple ruby-based RPN calculator with a vim frontend
    #A tcommand         -- Select and execute a command or menu item from a list
    #A tComment         -- An easily extensible & universal comment plugin
    #A tgpg             -- Yet another plugin for encrypting files with gpg
    #A tlib             -- A library of vim functions
    #A tmru             -- Most Recently Used Files
    #A toptions/tstatus -- display changed options in the status line (toptions should be sourced from vimrc)
    #A tplugin          -- A simple plugin loader/runtimepath manager
    #A trag             -- Jump to a file registered in your tags
    #A tregisters       -- List, edit, and run/execute registers/clipboards
    #A tselectbuffer    -- A simplicistic buffer selector/switcher
    #A tselectfiles     -- A simplicistic files selector/browser (sort of)
    #A tSkeleton        -- File Templates and Code Skeletons
    #A ttagecho         -- Show current tag information
    #A ttags            -- Tag list browser (List, filter, preview, jump to tags)
    #A ttoc             -- Display a "table of contents" for the current buffer
    #A Viki             -- A personal wiki for Vim
    #A vikitasks        -- Search viki files for tasks and display them in a list
    #B Eval\Selection   -- evaluate selected vim/ruby/... code
    #B localvariables   -- Set/let per-file-variables à la Emacs
    #B ttagcomplete     -- Context-sensitive tag completion
    #B worksheet        -- "Mathematica-like" worksheets (sort of) with support for R under Windows, ruby ...
    #C prototype        -- \JavaScript-like prototype-based programming in vimscript
    #C spec             -- Behaviour-driven design: easy on the eye specifications of VIM scripts
    #C tbak             -- Yet another simple backup plugin using diff
    #D concordance      -- Concordance table (sort of)
    #D glark            -- a wrapper for the glark command (superseded by trag)
    #D linglang         -- Perform actions on basis of the current line's language
    #D setsyntax        -- Set options specific for the syntax group under cursor
    #D tmarks           -- A simple marks browser
    #D tmboxbrowser     -- A mbox browser
    #D TortoiseSVN      -- Some support for TortoiseSVN (a subversion client for Windows)
    #D tsession         -- An alternativ approach to sessions
    #E pim              -- The vim pim (not really useful yet)
    #E tEchoPair        -- Display matching parenthesis in the echo area


    #A ... Works for me (there may be some minor quirks)
    #B ... Minor problems
    #C ... Work in progress
    #D ... Not in use (I wouldn't know if there were problems)
    #E ... Major known problems or unfinished work

* Scripts

    ruby/vimball.rb      ... Create vimballs from the command-line (EXPERIMENTAL)
    ruby/vimdedoc.rb     ... The ill-conceived, casual vimscript source code documenter
    ruby/vimtips2help.rb ... Convert an XML dump of the vimtips wiki to a tagged help file

% vi: ft=viki:tw=0:ts=4


A collection of vim plugins and miscellaneous functions






No releases published


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  • Vim Script 95.0%
  • Ruby 5.0%