A framework to use topological data analysis to extract topological information from a structure (e.g., molecule or crystal), which can then be used in downstream tasks.
The library can be installed as follows:
pip install moleculetda
As an example, we will start with the following metal-organic framework (MOF) and construct topological summaries of all the channels and voids in the structure:
Persistence diagrams can be generated from an example structure file such as a .cif
from moleculetda.structure_to_vectorization import structure_to_pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
filename = 'files/mof_structs/str_m4_o1_o1_acs_sym.10.cif'
# return a dict containing persistence diagrams for different dimensions (1d - channels, 2d - voids)
arr_dgms = structure_to_pd(filename, supercell_size=20)
# plot out the 1d and 2d diagrams
dgm_1d = arr_dgms['dim1']
dgm_2d = arr_dgms['dim2']
plot_pds(dgm_1d, dgm_2d)
Starting from arr_dgms
(dict storing the persistence diagrams), vectorized representations
can be generated. Axes units are the same as the units of the original structure file:
# initialize parameters for the "image" representation:
# spread: Gaussian spread of the kernel, pixels: size of representation (n, n),
# weighting_type: how to weigh the persistence diagram points
# Optional: specs can be provided to give bounds on the representation
from moleculetda.vectorize_pds import PersImage, pd_vectorization
from moleculetda.plotting import plot_per_images
pim = PersImage(spread=0.15,
pixels=[50, 50],
weighting_type = 'identity')
# get both the 1d and 2d representations
images = []
for dim in [1, 2]:
dgm = arr_dgms[f"dim{dim}"]
images.append(pd_vectorization(dgm, spread=0.15, weighting='identity', pixels=[50, 50]))
plot_pers_images(images, arr_dgms)
The resulting 1d and 2d image representations can be used for other tasks.
author = {Krishnapriyan, Aditi S. and Haranczyk, Maciej and Morozov, Dmitriy},
title = {Topological Descriptors Help Predict Guest Adsorption in Nanoporous Materials},
journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry C},
volume = {124},
number = {17},
pages = {9360-9368},
year = {2020},
doi = {10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c01167},
title={Machine learning with persistent homology and chemical word embeddings improves prediction accuracy and interpretability in metal-organic frameworks},
author={Krishnapriyan, Aditi S and Montoya, Joseph and Haranczyk, Maciej and Hummelsh{\o}j, Jens and Morozov, Dmitriy},
journal = {Scientific Reports},
volume = {11},
numer = {1},
issn = {2045-2322},
pages = {8888},
doi = {10.1038/s41598-021-88027-8}