The demonstration project that shows possible problem with multiple
files in subdirectories:
Tested with the following versions:
- nodejs 6.2.0
- typescript 1.8.9
- typings 1.3.2
Steps to reproduce the problem:
- Clone the project
- In project directory execute commands:
npm install
- to download dependenciestypings install
- to download required typings files
In working directory run the command: tsc -p .
Should compile correctly.
Select the right file in a editor window and compile the project:
- Select the the file:
- Compile the project:
The project should be compiled without errors. You should get something like on the screen below:
Now press space in any syntactically correct place. You get compilation errors like on screen below:
The errors are:
[ts] Cannot find module 'express'.
[ts] Cannot find name 'require'.