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Alpha V18 - Configurable

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@aMediocreDad aMediocreDad released this 20 Apr 21:34
· 30 commits to main since this release
  • Settings: Both settings were made into client settings as opposed to world settings. In addition the "Skip GM Moderation" setting is now the authority on whether the "Skip GM Moderation"-box is ticked by default or not (regardless of whether you are a GM or Player).
  • Challenges: Challenges now have the same suggestions as Themes do for Challenge types. These Challenge types are based on the ones in the Tinderbox Demo.
  • Rolls: Rolls are now made by the correct player when the GM approves a roll (no longer rolled by the gm).
  • Config: For those who like to mod stuff. The config object now takes a theme_src property as well that lets you config custom theme borders. E.g.
CONFIG.litm.theme_levels = {
		shadow: [
	CONFIG.litm.theme_src = {
		shadow: 'modules/mists-of-symbar/assets/shadow'
  • Other bug fixes and smaller improvements