Tanks vs Zombies using Paper2D and GameplayAbilites
Video showing some features in action: https://youtu.be/65oHJNchafo
Based on the TanksVsZombies stream by Epic Games
This project sample is made for single player and might not implement the best practices but it contains:
Different types of projectile abilities that use GameplayEvents to detect Hits:
- Normal projectile that damages one enemy
- AoE projectiles that damage more than one enemy on hit or on explode
- A fire projectile that does fire damage over time
- An ice projectile that slows target hit
Different types of abilities called from diffrent places in the code using different cooldowns
- An abiltiy on the tank that kills zombies on overlap
- The zombies basic attack abiltiy
An example of damage modification:
- Using defense power to reduce damage taken
- Targets taking extra damage from FireDamage type
GameplayCues that shows the effects of abilities
- Targets on fire are tainted red
- Frozen targets are tainted blue
- All effects and cues would work on both tanks and zombies so it's possible to make AI tanks or make zombies use fire and ice abilities/ projectiles
Using DataTables and CurveTables for Data Driven gameplay
- Curve table to init the stats of diffrent types of pawns
- Data tables to manages Gameplay Tags and Cue Tags
An example of using different types of AttributeSets in the same class
An example of making a custom TargetActor to get the target data wanted for your ability
An example of using Paprer2D with C++
Possible additions to this project that you can work on by adding extra abilties and effects:
- A heal or regen ability/effect
- Any passive effect that presists through the game
- Making different types of zombies that can shoot projectiles just by changing the ZombieAttack abiltiy
- Can also have different types of Tanks and Zombies by playing with the StartingStats Curve table ex: zombies with a lot of health that walks slowly
Known bugs: sometimes the projectile explodes prematurely
Special thanks to Wopping from the Unreal Slackers discord channel for his constant help